Well. Am late, like late, again. I swear, these last few weeks have been stupid crazy busy. Still, that's no excuse (but it kinda is when the holidays have been on the weekends....). Anyways, here we are on a bright, warm and happy Monday morning (we get Monday off because New Years was over the weekend. I don't get it either but who am I to question local customs?), the birds were up and at it early this morning but I chose to sleep in - get it while I can. Way too early for the cool white wine, but since am on vacation, and it's a Monday when I'd normally be at work, it's almost sort of tempting...... But no, I've got a nice cup of coffee, some groovy French jazz tunes that I forgot I owned - life is good!
So work. Well......... it's been good. Busy in an I-can-handle-it kinda way. Helping to re-draw (electronically) aircraft technical diagrams, it's half interesting, but much better than doing nothing. Although the whole work thing took a slight turn just before we went on our break. The Boss rather bluntly told me, after asking me to come on in shut
But then there were the weekends, riddled with holidays, food and naps! To kick-start the break, that Friday, the 23rd, we had a half-day at work, which was good so I could get ready to go out later that evening to see The Church here in town at the Powerhouse (P.S. Not my photo on the left there. I took a couple and they were crap. Thank you Church website). It was one of their best shows I've

And then there were the holidays. Xmas was lovely, as it usually is. I spent it with my foster family (former boss from my job with Fire), Paul and his wife Margaret, his son Russell and his wife Kim. We ate, talked, ate, talked, watched the latest Pirates of the Caribbean and Planet of the Apes movies (Pirates good, Apes bad), ate, talked and finally home around 9.30pm. A lovely day with awesome food (I even had seconds, which is rare)!
And then somewhere in the break my friend Linus and his girlfriend had a BBQ, which turned into a really really good evening meeting new folks who all used to work at Southbank at one time or another (quite a few jobs ago now, thankfully). It was a great afternoon/evening. And for once I was in the country! Usually whenever he's had a BBQ I've been out of the country. And you know how rare that is. Such timing!
And then it was New Years. Spent it with the

So yes, apologies for not checking in yesterday like I should have, like I intended to. I even fired up mah little computer but my sinuses decided
So there. I hope you're all well up there, that you had good holidays and have grand plans for the new year.... like coming down here for a visit (or else the 'roo with the laser eyes will hunt you down)! Hooray!
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