Sunday, January 08, 2012

Movies, Pizza, Laundry - It's a Weekend!


Well. Here we are, Sunday afternoon, hot, humid, ahhhh summer with no air-conditioning.....! Am a bit early because I've decided that when I wait until the late afternoon/early evening, I'm tired and get distracted easily.
Ok, so no cool glass of white wine or groovy jazz tunes, but at least this way I can be productive on two fronts - getting the laundry done and checking in! So yes, here we are, it's a hot, humid Sunday afternoon.... the birds were fulla beans first thing this morning and are usually even chattier in the evenings. I'm glad the lorikeets have come back, the evenings don't seem as fun if they're not around. But yes, since it's early, there is no wine, but there it's there waiting in the fridge for when the sun goes down, meaning the worst of the heat has passed! For now, I have two fans on full-speed and a huge glass of ice water - life is good!

So work. Yep. Is good. It was a short and quiet week last week. Lots of folks are still away on vacation. I don't get using all your vacation time at once, especially at the hottest time of the year, unless you're off to Europe for Xmas that is, I suppose. These folks use all their time when everyone else does, they all go to pretty much the same beaches, and then fight with each other to get home at the end of it all, undoing all the great relaxing they just did. It doesn't make sense to me. Take vacation in chunks when the weather is cool and places aren't crowded with your co-workers. That way your sanity is sure to be kept intact, instead of losing your marbles hanging out for that one big vacation a year. I don't know, that's just me. I'd rather spread the vacation across the year than blow it all at once. Hmmm. But in saying that, not knowing what's happening with my job, saving my vacation time could be an even better way to go - if they let me go they'll have to pay me out for it - whew! Again, with the job, watch this space. Fingers crossed they can figure something out........... and soon?!

And then there was the weekend. It's been quite nice, heat and humidity aside. Yesterday my friend Kim came around and we wandered up to the Palace Barracks Cinemas to go see "Iron Lady" (that's a link to the Herald Scotland review, which I think nails what I thought of it). While Meryl Streep was, as usual, amazing, the movie/story itself was just ok. I got it, but they could have done more about her and her rise through the ranks of an all-male parliament and her political career instead of focusing on her present-day, sort of hallucinatory/dementia-riddled relationship with her dead husband. To me, that took away from what could have been a really interesting and enlightening film. But no, Hollywood had to step in and toss a bit of sad drama into it. Hmmm. So, while I can recommend it for Meryl Streep, wait for the DVD. Or TV. Thankfully I'm in the cinema's movie club and only paid $11 for the ticket, instead of the usual $17.50 (gasp!). Now I remember why I rarely go to the movies.... But it's an awesome cinema with lots of windows and comfy spaces to sit (with coffee tables) while you drink your wine and wait for your movie, and you can bring your wine/beer/whatever booze in with you (Awesome! Take that US movie theatres!), and I'd go more often if there were movies I just had to pay $11 bucks to see on the big screen...... Maybe this year I'll go more often............. And after the movie we headed up to Kookaburra Cafe for dinner - always perfect and too filling! So, even though it was getting on to 10pm, we had to go for a bit of a walk to walk off all that pasta and pizza. The days are too hot but boy the evening's are beautiful. Certainly beats when I lived in Phoenix when, during summer, the temperature would drop to a chilly 95 at night! At least here it gets to 75, and I can live with that.

And today, Sunday, just did the laundry and can't be bothered for much else. Too hot. Hopefully maybe get some more writing done on my Hollywood Blockbuster Sell-Out Screenplay.............. Maybe after a nap.......!

And there you have it. Dull, dull, dull. But that's ok.
Will just sit tight until the job thing is sorted and then we'll see where we're at for fun and Adventures! Until then, you have until March or so to plan your visit down here - by then the weather will be back to being perfect! Hooray! Hope, you're all well up there! Drop a line and let know know someone is alive and reading this out there!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...