Sunday, January 29, 2012

Long Weekend with Rain, Friends and Bratwurst


Well. Here we are on a wet Sunday afternoon. Well, that's not true, it's not just today, it's been a whole week of pretty much
non-stop rain. Usually we get this rain in November but we're getting it at the end of the season. Hmmm. Anyways, there are a few lorikeets out there chattering away. I've heard a lot of Kookaburras, but they're tough and can deal with any kind of weather. They're cool that way. Otherwise, as a bonus to the wet rainy days, the temperature hasn't been too hot or muggy, which is a wonderful thing in my book. So yes, the weather is lovely aside from all the rain. It's cool and breezy. Got some really groovy jazz tunes streaming through one of my new favorite internet radio stations Sky.FM Radio (am streaming their "Jazz Classics" station. So far they have 42 stations of various flavors, from blues to Japanese pop to new age and points in between. They're awesome!). It's a bit early for the cool glass of standby white wine, but seeing as I've been sitting here slaving over this hot little computer all day I almost think a small glass might be ok........

So work. Yep. Is goo
d, busy, the usual. Tho I had a very quick "catch up" with my Boss, who's been away on vacation for a month and a half......... He had almost no memory of telling me how he wasn't going to keep me permanently or follow through with my permanent residency application. Again, I was dumbfounded. Suffice to say I set him straight on a few things and all he could say was that he would talk to HR. Again, it's all out of my hands so they'll concoct what ever deal they can figure out. That's too bad but will just sit tight and see what they come up with. Sigh. Hopefully they'll keep me and go through with the PR application, but I'll be happy with a measly contract extension. Suffice to say I'm keeping my eyes and options open........... Watch this space! Otherwise, all's well, it's nice to have a job and be busy!

And then there were the weekends. Apologies for not checking in last week. I've been sitting here trying to think what I was up to that I couldn't check in................. I know I busted out the chores on Saturday like a crazy lady......... Oh yeah, Sunday was errands/take the car out for a spin where I made the fatal mistake of going to a 'new' grocery store (by car for once, like normal people) in Ashgrove, the 'hood behind mine (another 'hood I'll never be able to afford to buy in). Well. It was me and a thousand other SUVs all trying to get around in a parking garage made for Minis (did I feel like a dope for not having my SUV packed with screaming children and their sports gear). And being a rainy Sunday afternoon, the place was absolutely packed. All I can say is I won't do that again. But I did manage to get what I needed and that was chicken so I could make my Dad's boneless fried chicken (or as my neighbors dubbed them, "Gourmet McNuggets"). It's the bestest recipe on the planet, of which I can't divulge due to fatal repercussions......... So that's what I spent the evening doing and cleaning up after. Which was why I was too busy to check in. But man they were gooooood! Worth the Battle of the SUVs!

And then there was this weekend, with a nice catch-up dinner at Vio's Italian restaurant (fairly new kid on the block with excellent food and
super nice staff) with my friend Jan during the week. Always good to see her, our catch-ups always go too fast. And then Thursday was Australia Day (and a national day off - hooray!) where, traditionally, we all head to Julian's for his usual Australia Day BBQ. But alas, this year Julian was not in the mood to entertain and therefore didn't have it. A bit of a bummer but completely understandable. So I didn't do anything except enjoy a nice day off - no chores, no running around, it was excellent. I think I just read and watched more "Breaking Bad" episodes. And because Australia Day was on a Thursday and I had yet to take my January Free Day Off from work, I took the Friday off too. Again, it was another quiet day, but later that evening met up with the usual suspects for pizza and games, again, that was most excellent and always a good time. Yesterday was a bit busy, had lots of people drop by to say hi, which was nice but sort of wierd as I never have people "drop by".......... Good thing the little apartment was tidy and I was dressed fit for public approval! And then later that evening I met Bruce, my friend/old co-worker from Fire days, and his family at the German Club for his birthday dinner. All I can say is I had the best time I've had in a while. Not only because of catching up with Bruce after aaaaaaaages, but there was a German one-man-band named "Andrew" (the video isn't so great but you totally get the idea) who, complete with lederhosen, played everything from AC/DC to Madonna, to traditional German drinking songs to the theme from Zorba The Greek, all on his stack of keyboards, trombone, guitar and trumpet and who knows what else he has up there on that little stage. The guy was unstoppable and managed to bring down the house with his rendition of Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit (Entertain Us)". Maaaaaan it was funny. And the place was full of alllll types of folks - little old ladies to little kids, and everyone looked to be having a fantastic time. If you get your butt down here soonish and he's playing one weekend, we are so going. Not to mention the (traditional) food was amazing for the portions and price (I had the Bratwurst - soooooo good, complete with veggies, mashed potatoes and sauerkraut). It was an absolutely fantastic night out. I wish I'd brought my camera because the photos I took on my phone didn't come out so well (as you can see). So you'll just have to get down here and see for yourself!

And that brings us up to now, and that you got to read at the beginning, so we're all caught up! All's well down here, we're in the home-stretch of summer and then we'll be out of the heat and humidity (not that it's been that bad this year) and into Autumn! Hooray! So feel free to book that trip down here anytime! I hope you're all well up there. I say it and I'll say it again, drop me a line sometime and tell me your news from the Northern Hemisphere!



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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...