Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each weekend but the time just gets away from me sometimes. There just aren't enough hours in a weekend........! Anyways, we're here now - it's been a beautiful yet rainy and cool weekend, which is always a treat after six months of summer and knowing "winter" only lasts a month at the longest. The chores have all been done, laundry is all clean and happy and put away, the little apartment is tidy for another week of work. But, here we are now, got the always hip n' groovy jazz tunes, got a lovely glass of the new standby sparkling Prosecco, yes, life is good!
So, work. Yep. Was pretty quiet this past week, but that could also be another lull before a mountain
of work like the last couple of weeks have been. Quiet... quiet...... quiet...... then, bam! Mountain of work. But word on the street is the horrible project is coming back to darken my doorstep, although, am not sure why as the hours I put into editing their stuff the first time around was entirely ignored. I shudder to think of the state of it all now; I don't expect it to be much improved. Well, whatever, if they want to pay me to remind them what good technical writing should be, and then ignore my suggestions, so be it, it's their budget. Sigh. Ahhhh well, it is what it is and am always thankful and, errrrrr, 'happy' to have it - gainful employment that is!

And that brings us to the next installment of the Big Nordic Adventure! So, up bright and early, I left
Oslo for Kirkenes at the northern tippy top of Norway (with Russia just three miles away)! I arrived in the late morning and got to my hotel just in time to get a few amazing pictures of my view before
the sun set for the day! It's a breathtakingly beautiful place. Tiny, tiny little town but it's right on the edge of fjords that lead out to the Barents Sea. It's also the last/first stop for the Hurtigruten coastal voyage that goes up and down the length of the Norwegian coast. I just rode it overnight from Kirkenes to Skjervoy, but I'd love to do the round-trip from Bergen and back, just not in winter next time!

And then after lunch I wandered around the inside of the hotel for a bit before heading back to my room to relax and get a sinkful of laundry done. A little side-note, if you ever want to travel light and need to do hand washing along the way, I picked up this awesome little clothesline from good ol' Rick Steves' store and I have to say it was the best $10 bucks I spent for the trip. Got every dime out of it
and then some! Highly recommend it. And then I watched a bit of TV, heh, watch is all I could do because my Norwegian wasn't up to scratch, and just decided to call it a night. It's wierd when the sun goes down that early, even tho it's only say, 3 in the afternoon, if you're from anywhere in the middle of the world as opposed to the very top or very bottom, your body clock says, 'right, bedtime!'

Next day I was up and down in time for breakfast. At every hotel I
stayed, breakfast was included, and it wasn't just some sorry piles of cereal and yogurt, it was the whole nine yards - hot food, all the cold stuff, fruits and local meats and cheeses - so, so good. It was great. And the hours it's available are humane as well, usually 6.30 until 10.30am. Excellent for folks like me who like to sleep in, even while on vacation! Then it was up to my room to get myself together in time to meet the boat, the Kong Harald, at noon-ish for the next leg of the Adventure. But as I was getting my things together there was a knock on my door - it was my friend from here in Brisbane, Julian! Long story short, we were traveling sort of parallel to each others' itinerary, and I knew we'd meet up in Norway at some point but his plans kept shifting. But that morning while I was
having breakfast, he messaged that he'd arrived with the boat that we were going back out on that day (the cruise turns around and heads south again) and wanted to meet up for a wander around town before getting on the boat. Cooooool! Pretty trippy to see a friend from home when you're so far from home! And thankfully, having mentioned how slick and icy things were up around there, he brought me a pair of slip-on spikes for mah boots! So, spikes donned, off we went to explore the little town of Kirkenes. And boy, those spikes were most excellent - highly recommend picking some up if you find yourself in that kind of environment - I didn't slip or skitter once!

So, after I checked out of the hotel we made our way down to the boat. Julian had ridden it all the way up from Bergen so he was, basically, just on an extended shore visit. Once on the boat and after
checking in (why do I always end up last, behind the big, Chinese tour groups???), I dumped my things in my little room (cabin?) and he gave me the tour. It was nice dumping bags and going for a wander as everyone else was settling into their rooms so we had most of the boat to ourselves. We stood out on the back deck and watched as we pulled away from port and sailed through the fjords - but we could only enjoy it for about half an hour as the sun had set!
After bidding Kirkenes farewell, we went in and explored some more, had a drink at the bar, then went to dinner. It was really nice, good food, and all the crew were so nice, friendly, and laid-back, very relaxed and always had time for a chat (Julian, having sailed with them for the last 6 days, knew every member of crew!). But it was during dinner that our waiter informed us that later that evening, as we rounded the tip of Norway headed south, we were in for some serious rough waters due to the meeting of the Barents and
Norwegian seas. Yikes. We watched as the word spread through the dining room and folks practically dropped their forks and headed for their rooms and staff started to anchor things down or stowed it all away. We were hours from that yet so Julian, having brought along a bottle of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum to celebrate both our Big Nordic/European Adventures, we headed back to his cabin for a little glass of rum before heading back out to the main deck to do laps - gotta get your exercise while trapped on a boat!

Anyways, after I wandered back to my room, the seas did get super rough and I think I got maybe an
hour or two of sleep. I wasn't sick but was sure wobbly. I alternated between sleeping on the floor of my little room and the bed - I
couldn't decide which felt more stable! It was only when we drifted back into the shelter of the fjords when the rocking back and forth stopped and I could get some sleep. But, next thing I knew it was morning and Julian and I were meant to meet to go explore Hammerfest when the boat docked. Having slept through the breakfast service (damn!) I
quickly got ready and rushed down to meet him. We had a nice, brisk wander through town and up along a road/cliff just to see the view. And then had to hustle back down to get back to the boat on time. Hammerfest is a pretty little place with a really, really cool Polar Bear Society Museum right near where the boat docks that I only got to spend about five minutes in. It'd be a nice little town to explore......... Again, will have to make another visit!

And then we were back on the boat for most of the day/evening until we arrived at our respective departure ports, me at Skjervoy and Julian at Tromso, where our paths split until we met up again in northern Sweden a week or so later................. Which is where I will give you a break and pick up the next chapter next week (no really, next week, honest.....)!
~ J!
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