Well. Here we are, Monday evening. Sorry to be a little late but am here now. The weather was really wierd last week - super hot and stinky humid and then boom - come Friday it was rainy and "chilly", and it's stayed ever since. Am not complaining tho - I'll totally take this rainy damp chill over what we'd normally be having at this time of the year. Thankfully we only have until the end of Feb, maybe March to get through and the worst will be over and we'll be into Autumn! Hooray! But yes, here we are, Monday earlyish-evening. A few brave lorikeets out there in the rain jabbering away, trying to be heard over the crows. Don't
So work. Yep. Is good, busy-ish. Enjoying it while I gots it. Was super busy last week with the bid
And yesterday, Sunday, was another Ikea run. Well, the car needed a good

But there you have it! Another week and another weekend. Not too exciting. Otherwise all is well down here, I hope you're all well up there! Hurry up and plan that visit down here already! If you need annnnnnny help with an itinerary, I can hand out a few ideas...... Am just sayin'.........!

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