Monday, January 16, 2012

Running Around with Wildlife on Dining Room Tables


Well. Here we are, Monday evening. Sorry to be a little late but am here now. The weather was really wierd last week - super hot and stinky humid and then boom - come Friday it was rainy and "chilly", and it's stayed ever since. Am not complaining tho - I'll totally take this rainy damp chill over what we'd normally be having at this time of the year. Thankfully we only have until the end of Feb, maybe March to get through and the worst will be over and we'll be into
Autumn! Hooray! But yes, here we are, Monday earlyish-evening. A few brave lorikeets out there in the rain jabbering away, trying to be heard over the crows. Don't know where the magpies and pee wees are..... and the noisy miners are out there yelling full blast at anyone who wanders under their tree (which is usually Kona - you should hear the ruckus when he sits in the yard. There'll be like 7 of them out there all yelling at him. He ignores them. Good boy.) So yes, it's wildlife central out there when the weather is cool and damp. Not too many Kookaburras, but they swing by on patrol now and then. Anyways, got the way groovy jazz tunes courtesy of the modern TV (do you know, I've had it just over a year now and it never gets old having a nice, modern TV (as opposed to none, if you'll cast your memory back)), got a nice glass of Merlot (seeing as it's cool enough to drink red), Monday is officially in the bag - life is good!

So work. Yep. Is good, busy-ish. Enjoying it while I gots it. Was super
busy last week with the bid folks editing a big bid they're hoping to hand in. Sat in a stuffy room for the week shoved in a corner at a little laptop. It's Monday and I'm still feeling the bad typing angles and posture. Thankfully no more of that for a few weeks, or so I hear. Apparently there're a few "Big Bids" coming up that they want to go for and apparently "need" my help on. Hmmm. Still no word on my ultimate fate but that's because my Boss isn't back yet from his cruise around the South Pacific with the family. Hmmm. So it's still a case of 'watch this space'. Otherwise, I have enough work in my foster department to keep me entertained 8 hours a day, and that's always better than the nothing I had to do this time last year in my previous department! Hooray!

And then there was the weekend. Saturday was chores. The usual. And when I finished with them I plunked myself down on the couch in front of the TV and had a mini-marathon of Breaking Bad. I was still suffering from all the wicked kinks in my shoulders and neck from the editing blitz, on top of not sleeping well most of that hot humid week - I was beat. But hey, at least the little apartment was clean!

And yesterday, Sunday, was another Ikea run. Well, the car needed a good
little drive around and I thought a good walk around (indoors, because of the rain) would help with the kinks. I had a list but meant to just look and think and plan. Well.... I came home with a new dining room table! Hooray! I have been wanting a new dining room table ever since I moved to this Shitbox Palace. My unit came with a super crappy table (with wobbly, tin legs) and two crappy chairs (that were way too low for the table. So every time I sat at it to do anything, like, say, eat, I always felt like a kid) that I just never organized myself to replace (or ask the owner to take away). So yesterday I made the Executive Decision and got a new table and two chairs (with jaunty red cushions)! And I lugged down the old table and chairs and stuffed them in our little "abandoned furniture" niche under the S.B. Palace. It took a good couple of hours putting at all together (those chairs are never coming apart!), but in the end it looks totally awesome. I'm ever so happy with them. Just like normal people in a normal house (almost)! And now I actually want to be in the kitchen longer than just cooking and running away into the "living room"! Hooray! And then unfortunately, as the afternoon wore on, my aches and kinks moved back in with a wicked headache to boot. So as soon as I finished building the table and chairs I had to sit and not do anything. Which meant not checking in. Bummer dude. Am better today - hooray for Advil and Aleve!

But there you have it! Another week and another weekend.
Not too exciting. Otherwise all is well down here, I hope you're all well up there! Hurry up and plan that visit down here already! If you need annnnnnny help with an itinerary, I can hand out a few ideas...... Am just sayin'.........!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...