Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pendulum Between Wet Weather and Work


Well. Sunday evening. Missed the last one due to
there not being enough hours in the day/weekend to do everything before Monday 6am..... But here we are, got the way cool jazz tunes, glass of cold white wine (Jacob's Creek Chardonnay), not too many twittering birds, although I've been hearing more kookaburras than crows this evening - crows are just wussies, kookaburras are tough, cos it's been raining pretty much since I arrived back from the US....... which is good for the plants and the dams, and besides, we know what's just around the corner! Pretty soon the weather talk will be all about how hot and humid and horrible Sunday evenings are! So will enjoy while it, uh, continues to last!

o work. Yep. 2 more weeks to go and then......... Dunno. Been applying for a few, been on an interview, which is what took up most of my Sunday last week - getting mah Interview Ducks in order, doing my research, ironing, etc. Interview was noon that Monday, with a full morning of work so all I had was Sunday evening to prepare. Interview seemed to go well and they called all 3 of my references by the end of the week. So will hopefully hear tomorrow who they picked.....? I've decided to really not get my hopes up about this one no matter how cool it would be. Hell, any permanent job would be cool! Oh yeah, gig would be with Boeing as an Editor/Brand Manager in their Communications Dept. So yeah, pretty cool...... Hmmm. So tomorrow I hope to find out. Will post a short note letting you know which way that ol' pendulum swings! Otherwise, temp gig is going great - so busy with these big, dense planning documents - I love it! Shame they can't keep me, but that's the story of my time in Australia. Will keep looking and will keep you posted!

And then the weekends. Oh yeah, new mattress is The Best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it. Hooray for Ikea! Best $600 bucks I've spent, next to my plane ticket to come out and see everyone a few weeks ago. I highly recommend a new mattress. And I'm happy to report that while yes, it's very comfy, I can actually get out of bed and feel really good - no aches and kinks - hooray! So this is how normal people sleep - excellent! But as far as the weekends go, well, last weekend I think I was pretty pooped from the week - getting into the swing of work again (the downside of having had a vacation) and all that, because work has been so busy, which is really good, tho the week flies. So last weekend I think I hung around and read... napped.... tried to shop for a new suit for mah Interview, but yeah, no, not when silly little cool, hip n' groovy suits are around the $500+ dollar mark - on sale, no suit for me! Otherwise the weekend was the usual totally boring stuff, with $500 more safe in mah bank account!

Then there was this weekend. Started off on Friday with Pizza & Games with friends. That was excellent, as I hadn't seen them in a couple of months. Always such a good evening which goes too fast. Then Saturday was up early to bust out the chores in time to meet a friend from work (who's married to an American gal in San Francisco - she's arriving soon) for dinner and drinks at my favorite wine/cocktail bar in the world, The Lark. We had the kangaroo steaks. Sooooo good. Tho mine came out first and we had to wait for his because "It's resting and still bleeding out." Never in my life have I heard a meal delayed for that reason. And I've eaten in some of the swankiest places going (in NYC at least). That was a first! Needless to say I had a good giggle when the gal walked away. But mmmmmmmm kangaroo, so good. Crocodile is better, but man it's a good bit of meat when it's done right! And they did it right! I'm telling you, you come down here for a visit, we're so going there!

And then today was a really awesome day in that I went with Dom and Alan to go pick up Dom's very first car (he just got his driver's license this past Wednesday)! It's just a cheap ($2,000) 1993 Nissan Pulsar. It's in pretty good shape for the age and the price. So we 3 took the train to just near Ipswich and walked a few blocks to the guy's house to pick up the car. Dom drove us all over Ipswich, where he's from originally from, showing us the sights along his memory lane, and then back into town. And I have to say, for a new driver, in a strange new/used car, he did most excellent. I had to laugh when I told him I've been driving as long as he's been alive! Ahhhhhh memories. I kinda miss my 1978 Pinto. White with red racing stripes and way totally cool red interior. Went everywhere in that tough little car. Sigh. Makes me want to go out and pick up a cheap little car just to shoot around in...... Must get job!

And that's about that! Glad to have the work for another 2 weeks,
glad it's busy, but boy I'm pooped by the time the weekend comes! Ahhhhhhhh, getting older. So yes, will keep you posted how the job hunt marches on. Hope you're all well up there! I'd say come on down but A) The weather is poo unless you like the incessant rain and chill damp (gee, just like NZ....) and B) The US dollar is almost equal with the Aussie dollar - good for Aussies, bad for US. But hell, c'mon down anyways before summer comes!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...