Well. Sunday evening. Missed the last one due to there not being enough hours in the day/weekend to do everything before Monday 6am..... But here we are, got the way cool jazz tunes, glass of cold white wine
So work. Yep. 2 more weeks to go and then......... Dunno. Been applying for a few, been on an interview, which is what took up most of my Sunday last week - getting mah Interview Ducks in
And then the weekends. Oh yeah, new mattress is The Best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it. Hooray for Ikea! Best $600 bucks I've spent, next to my plane ticket to come out and see everyone a few weeks ago. I highly
Then there was this weekend. Started off on Friday with Pizza & Games with friends. That was excellent, as I hadn't seen them in a couple of months. Always such a good evening which goes too fast. Then Saturday was up early to

And then today was a really awesome day in that I went with Dom
And that's about that! Glad to have the work for another 2 weeks, glad it's busy, but boy I'm pooped by the time the weekend comes! Ahhhhhhhh, getting older. So yes, will keep you posted how the job hunt marches on. Hope you're all well up there! I'd say come on down but A) The weather is poo unless you like the incessant rain and chill damp (gee, just like NZ....) and B) The US dollar is almost equal with the Aussie dollar - good for Aussies, bad for US. But hell, c'mon down anyways before summer comes!
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