Monday, October 25, 2010

A Job of Beach-Side Fish with Kettles


Well. Here we are, slightly late but only by a few hours, technically. Lovely Monday evening as the sun sets……. The same lorikeets are out there merrily chirping and chattering frantically away…. No crows to hear of, thankfully. They’re just big bullies anyways – tho not to the Kookaburras, they know who’s boss out there. I got mah nice cool after-work glass o’ white wine, no jazz tunes tho, but that’s my punishment I guess for being late. But never mind – here we are!

So. Work. Yeah. Am starting my last 2 weeks with Health…. They begged me to stay on one more week (awwww, isn’t that nice – warm fuzzies), and Boeing said that would be fine……. Yes – H O O R A Y for me I won the Boeing gig after all! Oh. My. God. I still can’t believe something good has happened on the job-front. Finally! Of course, there’s always a bit of a speed bump – they’re only going to take me on for 6 months while they wait for me to get Permanent Residency and then Citizenship. Hmmm. Is gonna take a lot longer than 6 months tho. So all I can really do is start the paperwork and hope that’s enough evidence of “a commitment to my future in Australia with Boeing……..” Hmmm. Yeah. HOORAY tho – I have someplace to be until next year at least!!!!!!!!!!! And another good thing(s), it’s based here in the City, so no awful commute to the Airport, and it’s basically on the same money I’m on – HOORAY! So of course what did I do to reward myself – I went out and bought the most fancy pants phone I’ve ever seen, because (well, Katie has one!), I’ve reasoned to myself, I probably won’t have access to any real Internet at the new job and I don’t want to be busted for checking email or the news……. ! And, when I finally get back to up there, the phone’ll work with US systems – hooray! So yes – HOORAYs all around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEW!

And then there was the weekend. Started off nicely Friday evening with a couple drinks after work with a couple of folks. But was a good girl, went home way early, so the wallet was pretty happy. ‘Course, after buying the phone on Sunday, wallet wasn’t as happy…… But never mind!

Saturday was pretty quiet. Laundry, nice weather, nap… After all the stress of the interviews and the utterly painful waiting to hear back about the job, I was really pretty tired………

And Sunday was really nice – my friend Dom (of the new license and the new/used car) and I decided to go up to Sandgate to have some lunch at the Full Moon Hotel (pub) (really niiiice food, really crappy service) and then we had a wander along the beach! Sandgate is just north of the city by about 1/2 an hour or less... right on Moreton Bay, so the view is really very pretty with Moreton Island waaaaay out across the way. Was lovely weather again (only because they've been threatening rain and storms like every day for the last week and it hasn't sprinkled once - yet!) and the water wasn’t too chilly! It was just really nice to get out of the house, get some fresh sea air, some sun and a good lunch! Hooray! But we didn’t get in until later than I thought and by the time I had a shower, got settled, my brain had turned to Sunday evening mush and I knew I wouldn’t make sense if I tried to check in then… Hence being a wee bit late!

So there it is. Sorry for checking in late, but I at least bring good news! So while there’s relief on one front, it opens another kettle of fish with the PR fun. I remember the fun that I had applying for PR in New Zealand… Sigh. Hopefully it’ll be more straightforward than NZ and the immigration people here know more about, well, immigration! Will keep you posted on that front. But until then – HOORAY! And because of the job thing, it looks like I could be here a wee while longer, so come on down! I’ll be here to give you the guided tour!



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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...