Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween in Dullsville!


Well. Sunday evening, actually early evening-ish, thought I'd get a head-start on the chittering-
chattering lorikeets...... But I do have my glass of cool white wine, a lovely breeze, some "interesting" semi-jazz/semi-classical tunes on the radio, must be the show that's on before the hip n' groovy jazz tunes, the little apartment is clean, life is good!

So work. Yep. So this'll be my last week with Health. Always with last weeks they're gonna try to cram in as much as they think they can get away with. I don't mind, am happy to help. Sigh. Has been good, might even kinda miss some of them. The work has been interesting, and hopefully for a good cause later on down the road (for Health that is, not necessarily me). Then it's off, kinda, figuratively speaking at least, into the wild blue yonder that will be Boeing. No idea what type of place it'll be to work in, aside from high security..... Will keep you posted, well, within security regulations that is! Am quite looking forward to the new environment. Hopefully this one will be a keeper! Fingers crossed - more to come I'm sure!

And then the weekend. Started off quite nicely Friday evening with after-work farewell wines at a bar called The Exchange in the City here, about a block from work, for Talava, a very nice, lovely gal/coworker who's pulling up stakes with her fiance, they're off and moving to Melbourne! And the evening didn't go very late, which made my wallet and head happy. Cos getting into summer here, it makes it really tough to drink red wine around this place because most bars don't keep it in a wine fridge, so you get room temperature red wine - pretty hard to get down when the room is around 80+ degrees..... Guess I need to find a white that I really like to drink, they at least serve that cold and won't look at you funny if you ask for a couple ice cubes on the side (a crime, yes I know, but this is Queensland in the summer and I can't drink any wine that quickly, ice or no ice!).

And then there was Saturday. Dullsville. Chores, reading and a good long nap. I tell you, this last year has absolutely taken it outta me. Guess I'm de-stressing and needing to catch up on mah rest (and savings, come to think of it). Am getting there, dull as it may be for those playing along at home. Trust me, with the new gig and the hopeful predictability it will bring, I can start knocking off some of those Adventures on mah List! As it is, I have a 3 & 1/2 day Adventure planned to go to Melbourne during the Thanksgiving weekend to see Jeff and Emily (sorta kinda like family.... I was there when Emily was born and now she's gonna be 16 while I see them in Melb!); so I have that really cool Adventure to look forward to. Have been to Melbourne before, years ago, for a day, but I had spectacularly horrible tour guides, so I always kinda wrote that visit off - now to make up for it! Hope I like Melbourne better this time around cos first impressions weren't that impressive....!

And then there was today. Ooooooooh Halloween! Pretty tough to get into
tho it when A) It's warm and sunny, B) Am not a kid and C) They don't really do it here - it's an American Thing. Hmmm. But it's there at the back of my mind........ oh dear I hope I don't get any trick or treaters...... some of them do do it here.............! Otherwise the day was given over to chores and another round of tossing stuff, although this time I've actually compiled a list of stuff to sell, instead of just abandoning it on the curb like usual. This way I hope to make a coupla bucks so I can get new stuff that I actually like and want instead of hand-me-downs that I needed at the time. Now just have to draw up the ad.......

And that's about that! Apologies for the dullness. Just wait a couple months or so and then hopefully
things will improve..... I even looked at other apartments around the place but I still have such a screamin' deal here, dumpy as it is...... No rush, it's cheap and Kona's happy. Otherwise will focus on paying back the parental debt and saving for a rainy day, and maybe a new bed-frame.......

So, hope you're all well up there! I know the exchange rate with the Dollar doesn't really do you guys any favors, but h
opefully it makes flights to here kinda cheap? Either way, hurry up and get down here, cos when summer really kicks in, unless you like stinky hot and humid, this place will be unbearable from Dec until about April.....! Ahhh heck, c'mon down anyways, it'll be fun!


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