Well. Sunday evening, got mah groovy jazz tunes on the radio, got mah cool glass of wine (an unwooded chardonnay of some sort, meh, it's just ok), not very many twittering birds out there this evening for some reason... Not sure why, the weather is lovely and warm, there's a very pretty sunset, teeny little breeze, gee, if I were a bird this would be perfect chattering weather! Never mind, I'm sure they're out there doing quiet pre-evening bird things......... propping up the branch, fluffing the straw........ But here we are!
So work. Yep. First day tomorrow. Pretty exciting, sort of..... I mean, it's still
Otherwise, my last week/day at Health was fine. Wound down nicely, leaving me absolutely nothing to do all day Friday. Plus, there was hardly anyone there, they all had the day off. It was excellent. Oh, and Tuesday was Melbourne Cup day, "the race that stops the nation", and it stopped work from about 12.30-4pm, that was also pretty excellent, and bonus - I won $4
And then there was the weekend. Started off really pretty cool Friday evening with, surprise, drinks with a few folks after work to celebrate my last day of work with them! That was nice and we coul
And then there was the real weekend. I swear I felt like a washer-woman all day Saturday (and

And then today, more hand-washing, more ironing, tidied up my sorry little weak fingernails, and read my book. Must be nervous energy for tomorrow. No nap at all this weekend either. Weird. But yes, a good and very productive weekend was had! Hooray!
So there you have it. Will keep you posted how the new gig goes. Fingers crossed it's a keeper (and for that matter, that I'm a keeper!)! I see that the Aussie dollar is kicking the US dollar's backside, so I suppose I won't recommend you come down here for a visit any time soon..... Even if the weather is gorgeous and perfect, but don't worry, summer will be here in no time, so you won't be missing anything! Maybe by next June you can come visit........? Anyways, hope you're all well up there! Drop a line sometime and just say Hi!

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