Monday, November 15, 2010

Surfin' for Adventures


Well. Here I am, little late and I have no good excuse other than the truth – I was surfin’ the net and lost track of time. I know that sounds lame, but it’s hard to surf the net at work (as you can imagine) and I don’t have the brain space when I get home. So there. But here I am! I must say those lorikeets were out there chittering away last evening like they were never gonna get another chance to say what they wanted. Nice sunset (bit warm – summer’s lurking around the corner), and a very average glass of Sauvignon Blanc (that’s my lesson learned for buying it purely based on the label, something I’ve never really done and won’t do again). So yes, yesterday evening was quite nice, and I expect tonight will be much the same (am writing this from work, just to get a head start!).

So work. Yep. Is pretty good. First week went by like a shot, as they do. Everyone seems really nice and friendly, they know their stuff, and it seems like they’ve all been here a minimum of 5 years – a good sign. The trick will be for me to get my head around all the systems and process – it’s all really multi-layered and pretty complicated-looking from the outside. Definite learning curve. They tell me the acronyms are the toughest to get, probably not so much for me after Fire and Health, for me it’ll be remembering the file paths and intranet sites and where stuff is all filed and stored! So yes, it all seems to be going well so far! HOORAY!

And then the weekend. Saturday was kinda quiet. I met a friend I haven’t seen in ages for breakfast at one of my favourite little places here in town called “Venice”. And oddly enough the place was dead quiet which I thought was kinda weird because it’s usually packed, especially on a Saturday morning. But the view is still excellent and the food is good. And then came home and read, napped, the usual. Saturday seems to be my chill-out day where I don’t do anything at all. It’s nice. Boring, but nice. Just wait until I get my savings back up to scratch and then it’ll be “let the Adventures begin!”!

And then Sunday. Busy. Chores all day. Weather turned hot and humid too, which could be why when I sat down at the computer to write my brain wasn’t really into it – it was tired and just wanted to surf and not think. Hmmm. Happens. But wait until next week, that’ll be an Adventure – I’m off to see Emily and Jeff in Melbourne from Wednesday until Saturday! HOORAY! And work is cool with it and everything. Excellent. So am starting to get excited about going. And bonus, I get paid this Thursday, so I’ll have money (always kind of a scary thing when you first start a job – when do you get your first pay?)!

So there you have it. Kinda dull, but like I said, just wait and I’ll plan more Adventures (vacation time willing)! So I hope you’re all well up there! Drop a line and say Hi sometime, or hey, even submit an idea of something you want me to gasbag about!?



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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...