Sunday, November 21, 2010

Napping in a Wedge with a Tail...


Well. Sunday evening, much like many previous Sunday evenings, the birds are out there chattering away, although they're kind of quiet at the moment when they're usually really gabby.... They've been quite
rambunctious most of the day, so perhaps they're talked-out. Either way, it's a lovely, cool, overcast evening, the very strange and nosy owner of our sad little crumbling apartment block is dragging palm fronds around and flinging them over the fence into the neighboring apartment block's yard (and that's just the tip of his strangeness), got mah glass of wine (same as last week, it's taken that long to get through it), and the way groovy jazz tunes have just fired up - ahhhh, lovely Sunday!

So work. Yep. Is going happily well. I've had slightly more to do this week, which is always nice in helping the time pass. But until the new year springs into action, I have a feeling things could stay pretty quiet.... Which is kinda good, I guess, gives me time to study up on all the new acronyms and the slightly confusing, multi-layered business structure. Hmmm.

Oh, and I foolishly forgot to mention last week in summing up the previous week (a.k.a. My First Week at the New Job), that Thursday I
got to go to Amberley Air Force Base (or as it's meant to be known: the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Base Amberley") to go look around the base (well, some parts of it). It's pretty big, kinda run down, old small buildings. You'd think with the gazillions of dollars that these places get off the Government you'd expect the place to look like Star Trek. But no. Guess they spend all the dough on toys. We showed up just as they'd finished their Veteran's Day salute business with fighter planes and rifles. We wandered around A Lot, escorted at every turn, of course. Got to see a new ("green") Wedgetail being converted from just a standard 737 and fitted out with its new spy gear (tho the spy gear was classified from me, being a "Foreign National")......, I even got to stand around and crouch in a brand-new Kiowa helicopter's cockpit after it'd been freshly painted with its designed-to-order camouflage. But boy by the time we got back to the office we were beat. It's a fair way outta town and the drive was kinda long. But it was all really pretty neat. Oh and the whole place (my building that is) is absolutely crawling with Americans. I giggle a little whenever I hear the accent. After what, 9 years living down here it's the first time I've ever shared a building with them. It's kinda weird, but kinda nice. They all seem to be here purely for projects, so they're on contracts for like a year or two. Hmmm. Definitely interesting!!!! So yes, work is good. Hooray!

And then the weekend. Pretty darn quiet. Chores, naps, books, the usual. Although yesterday was nice in that my neighbors downstairs had me over for dinner and good gossip. That was really nice. I'm a big believer in being friendly (to a point) with your neighbors as you never know when you may need them. Well, it helps anyways when you live alone. Otherwise it was a very nice, quiet, very restful (maybe too much so, hope I'm not awake until 2 in the morning) weekend!

So there you go! Hope you're all well up there. I've done the math and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to come up there for another visit for..... well, it won't be next year, I don't think I'll have the vacation time saved up..... Maybe spring that next year......? So that gives you a huuuuge window of visiting opportunity - you know I'll be here! And you know you want to!!!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...