Monday, October 18, 2010

Waffles and Wine!


Well. A little bit late but that’s ok…. Here now! You know ho
w Sundays can wind down
so much that sometimes it’s all you can do to go make dinner, with not much brain energy for much else? Yeah, well, that’s how yesterday was. Weird because it started out fulla beans…. Anyways. Here we are, Monday evening, same birds twittering along out there, glass of wine, sun is setting – life is good!

So work. Yep. Still have my short-term bit of fun until the end of the month. Have yet another interview with Boeing tomorrow afternoon… Although they’ve already called all 3 of my references over a week ago……….. Sigh. I just can’t help thinking about the moment when that poor overworked someone first realized they needed help, until the moment a butt was finally in a chair… my god it can take months. I miss the days (or perhaps it was the types of jobs – theatres, record stores….) where I could rock up wearing whatever (probably jeans), tell them what I can do and how wonderful I am and get hired pretty much then and there. None of this waffling around for months at a time, wringing hands like we’re all getting married. My god it’s easier to date than it is to interview for a job these days! Not that I’ve done much of that either – too busy wringing my hands trying to get a job! So yes, again, will keep you posted who wins the Boeing Job Lottery……?!

Otherwise, I pretty much got another job offer when this short-term one finishes, doing web editing for Qld Health (payroll project), in the same building in fact, and one floor up from where I sit now! It was a gig I’d interviewed for a few months ago but didn’t win because the other person had more something-whatever skills. So I put it out of my head. Well, turns out that person is hitting the bricks and they want me to take it now! Cool. Tho it pays a bit less than what I’m on, and is only going until January (probably get extended they have that much work), but hey – it’ll beat nothing! So I asked the gal if she could wait for me to decide after I hear who wins the Boeing gig, and she was cool with that. So hopefully by the end of this week we’ll all know who’s gonna work where!?

And then there was the weekend. Started off quite nicely Friday evening with drinks with a friend at a new fancy pants place here in town called Cicada. We showed up right at prime after work drinking time so the place was packed. But somehow we managed to get a corner table with the most excellent wait service! It was pretty nice. And then next thing we knew they were stacking up tables and chairs and staring us down waiting for us to pay our bill and leave already! Cool! Finally the City gets some nicer places to have a civilized glass of wine and some cheese, as opposed to the usual standing amongst the crowd, swilling beer and mixed drinks (or warm red wine – gag), get pushed and shoved around, drinks spilled all over you because the gal can no longer walk upright in those $300 stiletto’s…. Yeah. So it was quite a nice change!

And then Saturday. Boring chores day. But most excellent because it was the first weekend that it hasn’t rained pretty much since I got back from my visit to the US! The sun was bright and shining, there was a good breeze, the humidity had dropped – perfect laundry weather! So got all that done, complete with nap. It was a dull but good day.

And then yesterday, Sunday, was up and out early to go and scope out the Multi-Cultural Festival in the Roma Street Parklands. Ahhh it was really good! So much foooooood from so many countries! Problem with those Festivals is that I always forget to starve myself a few days before and to load up with pocketfuls of cash. But I did manage to stuff in a Danish and a coffee from the Denmark tent. Am just sorry I didn’t starve ahead because everything looked so good in most of the tents – Hungary, Ethiopia, Russia, and there was even a Mexican tent (the guy was here from Cancun!) way too many to be able to eat at all of them! And then there was all the music and dancing, costumes and crafts. It was pretty neat. I like that kind of stuff. Shame it was only for one day and a bit scattered around the place. Place, pshaw, the Parklands are actually quite lovely, especially after we’ve had all this rain. So I’ve made a metal note to go check the place out properly this coming weekend (or very soon) and take some more pictures, minus the tents and crowds. It’s so nice to see the place in bloom. And that reminds me I should make a trip up to the Botanical Gardens at Mt. Coot-tha to take some photos after all this rain…. It’ll be bloomin’ lovely (har har har…..)!

And that’s about that. Enjoying my last 2 weeks of a good paying gig……. Enjoying the perfect weather….. You should think about coming down for a visit – the dollar is equal which means stuff will be cheap-ish, flights should be pretty cheap anyways! Plus the weather is fabulous, but it won’t last long, so hurry up! C’mon down!



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