Well. Here we are, another Sunday evening, no sun to set tho as it's blocked out by hugemongus black clouds... Ahhhh spring! But the birds are out there, tho the magpies have chased away the lorikeets and the crows, so it's a bit of a 50-50 trade-off. Apologies for not checking in last weekend..... but nothing of remotely any note happened last weekend. Not even chores. I just read books all weekend (yes, still no TV, tho on my way to the mailbox this evening, I passed the thrift shop on the corner and there on its doorstep sat a big TV, like the one I used to have, free to whoever walked by..... I tell you, I'm tempted, if I thought I could carry it.......). So I thought I'd spare you the sad tedium that was last weekend's not much. You're welcome. But here we are now - groovy jazz tunes just fired up on the radio (ABC Classic FM), have a nice, cool glass of some kind of Yalumba Pinot Grigio that I've not had before (not bad, tho a little fruity/syrupy for me....), life is good!
So. Work. Yep. 4 weeks of gainful employment starts tomorrow, thankfully, and with much relief (the bank told me to add that last bit). And even better, it's back at the last gig I was doing earlier in the year with Health, doing editing of

And then there was the real weekend. Yesterday was a bit of a write-off due to Ikea and travel time. Today was chores galore.... I swear I've never done so much laundry in my life, but that was mainly
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