Sunday, September 26, 2010

Savings + Ikea = Sleep!


Well. Here we are, another Sunday evening,
no sun to set tho as it's blocked out by hugemongus black clouds... Ahhhh spring! But the birds are out there, tho the magpies have chased away the lorikeets and the crows, so it's a bit of a 50-50 trade-off. Apologies for not checking in last weekend..... but nothing of remotely any note happened last weekend. Not even chores. I just read books all weekend (yes, still no TV, tho on my way to the mailbox this evening, I passed the thrift shop on the corner and there on its doorstep sat a big TV, like the one I used to have, free to whoever walked by..... I tell you, I'm tempted, if I thought I could carry it.......). So I thought I'd spare you the sad tedium that was last weekend's not much. You're welcome. But here we are now - groovy jazz tunes just fired up on the radio (ABC Classic FM), have a nice, cool glass of some kind of Yalumba Pinot Grigio that I've not had before (not bad, tho a little fruity/syrupy for me....), life is good!

So. Work. Yep. 4 weeks of gainful employm
ent starts tomorrow, thankfully, and with much relief (the bank told me to add that last bit). And even better, it's back at the last gig I was doing earlier in the year with Health, doing editing of their planning documents. Hooray! Shame the gig can't go for longer, like forever, but hey, 4 weeks will fluff up the bank account nicely anyways! And it buys me time to keep looking and applying for whatever's going. Numerous applications of which I burned up all of Wednesday submitting. I worked at those applications so hard I had a kink in my neck for days after. I just hope it pays off (some pun intended), but soon. Am just happy there's stuff to apply for. So even tho I'd love to come back to SD like yesterday, if that ol' economy up there doesn't pull itself up by its bootstraps pretty soon now, I'm not going anywhere! Add to that the exchange rate is around AU$.96 - nearly even! So anyways, yes, work tomorrow. I have my little clothes all ironed and set out...... I can't be bothered making mah little lunch..... But will bring a snack...... Hee, it's like school.

And then there was my last week of freedom, for 4 weeks anyways...... Last Sunday evening it occurred to me while flipping through the new Ikea catalog, to buy a new bed, as their fancy mattress were on sale for just 2 weeks, until the 3rd of Oct. I blame a number of my health complaints (headaches, sore neck, back, hips, etc) on my current mattress, "mattress" being a bit of a generous description, it was more of a glorified box-spring. But never mind, it beat sleeping on the floor, or on a constantly punctured/replaced air-bed. So first thing Monday morning I packed myself up and embarked on the 2 hour and 45 minute road trip that is public transport to Ikea. By car it takes like 20 minutes. But I was sure to put that fact outta my head whilst on the buses (it takes 3 to get there, by the way). All so I could road-test all their mattresses. So I picked one I really liked. And then didn't buy a thing. Came home and thought and thought and thought about it (while sleeping on the couch)... Long story short - I went back first thing yesterday and bought it. And bonus, (well, an $80 bonus, but bonus nonetheless) they delivered it next day - today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ooooooooh for once I can't wait to go to bed! Will keep you posted! And also excellent is that Ikea gives you 3 months to live with it and if you don't like it you can return it! Cool. 'Course, I'd have to get it back to the store...... on the bus........ I predict I'm gonna love it! It'll certainly beat what I had!

And then there was the real weekend. Yesterday was a bit of a write-off due to Ikea and travel time. Today was chores galore.... I swear I've never done so much laundry in my life, but that was mainly
sheet-protectors and mattress pads - I had that many to try and make that previous bed sleep-able..... Now what do I do with them.....? Hmmm. So yes, busted out the chores (heehee, I'm trying to write this with my jazz turned up loud enough for me to hear over my neighbors underneath me, who are watching a very lively action film with their surround-sound fired up full blast. Funniest thing is, they have to shout at each other to be heard over it. Ahhhh, apartment living). ANYWAYS, because talking about doing house chores was sooooo riveting.... So yeah, chores. And I still have The New Bed to make - hooray! But that was today. And the weekend. Boring, yet in an excitingly boring kinda way.

So there you have it. We're kind of back in Adventure Holding Pattern due to Bank Account Lockdown, until the job thing settles itself down anyways. Once the job thing does come through, trust me, aside from saving for the move back, I'll try to get out on some of the Adventures on mah list! Again, will keep you posted! But now that it looks like I'll be down here for a few more months at least, you should really consider a visit down this-away sometime soonish! Hope you're all well up there - drop a line!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...