Sunday, September 12, 2010

Gone with the Wind... And Back Again!


Well. Here we are at long last! As you may or may not remember, I went back to Tucson/San Diego for a
spur-of-the-moment visit. Got back last Friday the 3rd of Sept, a week later than scheduled. And so come that Sunday evening I absolutely could not bring myself to check-in like I was supposed to. This is because, quite simply, I think I had post-trip blues, and by checking-in, I was coming back to the routine and admitting the trip really was over. I was sad in other words. Wanted to be back there. But, over the week, I managed to get over it, well, enough that I have now started a Return Strategy, primarily contingent on getting a job. More on that later. Anyways, here we are - the sun has set, the lorikeets are returning to the evening routine slowly but surely, the crows have moved on to other trees to harass those local birds, the groovy jazz tunes are on the radio, got mah glass o' Merlot - life is pretty good!

So. Work. Yeah, about that...... The hunt is on, let loose the hounds! Kinda back where we were when I returned from my last trip home last year... hhmmmmm. Fingers crossed 7 painfully long months don't go by until successful, gainful employment this time. I have the applications fluttering out there on the breeze, have registered with what could be my 5th, quite possibly the 7th, employment agency (I've lost count), cue "Waiting Game". Will keep you posted.

And then the
Weekends! HOORAY! Oh I had The Best Time on myhelp from David and his mad artistic design skillZ, I got mahself the tattoo I've had my heart on for a few years now. I have to say, much as I wanted it and love the design, it's a bit bigger than I expected. Nevertheless, I love it and like rock n' roll it's here to stay! Other time spent in Tucson was taken up with eating mucho Mexican food (you're welcome El Mezon de Cobra and numerous little drive-thru Mexican eateries) and shopping for discounted summer threads - just in time for summer Down Under! Hooray for flipped seasons!

Then it was off to San Diego where my first stop off the plane was to visit Dad in the hospital. He's fine and he was fine going in. Just goes to show that a seemingly blithe comment to your Doc during a routine physical exam can actually save your life. That was a Wednesday, they operated first thing Friday morning, he was discharged Tuesday by high noon. That Wednesday we were running errands and as we speak he's currently in Mississippi on a 5-day Scotch tasting tour with a buddy of his. Triple-bypass? What triple-bypass?? I think, among allllll the other "preventative exams" we have to go for during our lives, they should force us at around say age 50 to get an angiogram every two years or so. Imagine how many heart troubles/deaths they could prevent with that????

So besides the crash course in "You and Your Open Heart Surgery", San Diego was a way awesome visit because I got to catch up with family, Katie (at Disneyland!), as well as two friends I hadn't seen in roughly 20 years: Amaru and Teresa. And to think at the time we were thick as thieves, who could've predicted the next time we'd see each other would be 20 years later. And as lame, Hallmark Card as this sounds, it warms my heart and allows me to sleep a bit better at night knowing Teresa and her family, and Amaru and his family, are happy and well. As always there wasn't nearly enough time to catch up. One visit over pizza and ice cream can't possible begin to touch the tip of the iceberg that is 20 years. But never mind, we've connected and there's no way another 20 years is gonna go by before we chat or hang out again! Hooray!

And before I knew it it was time to board Amtrak for LA and the plane back to Brisbane. Needless to say I was incredibly sad to leave. But in the time I've been back I've devised a Return Strategy that will see me return to San Diego permanently, hopefully within the next year or so. As I mentioned it's in it's early stages due to lack of investor financing (a.k.a. Job). Again, will keep you posted.....

And now for the Brisbane part of the show! It's much the same. Lovely, laid-back, sunny and easy-going. It's springtime here at the moment, which means the weather is glorious. Not that winter isn't, it just means the nights aren't so chilly. It's a lovely city really. And if I'm headed back to the US in the next year or so, you better stuff that piggy bank and get another one cos if you want a tour guide, you'd better put a shake in it!

Otherwise, to summarize my time back here, I'd say it's actually been quietly busy. Looking for work, chores, walks, catching up with a few friends.... The usual really!

So there you have it. Apologie
s for the long delay. Won't happen again for a while, I can tell you! I hope you're all well up there - I miss everyone like mad. Hurry and save your pennies and come down and visit!!!!


1 comment:

Ella said...

Hey Jennifer!!

How are you?? I hope you still remember's Ella from Southbank! I still visit your blog from time to time, and I'm so glad that you've kept it up to date. It would be great if we could catch up before you go back to San Diego, send me an email on when you get a chance. Take care!

Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...