Sunday, August 08, 2010

Flying Past Work!


Well. Here we are, yet another glorious Sunday afternoon, sun sinking and melting
into evening..... No lorikeets unfortunately, just crows hollering their little frat boy heads off......... Got mah glass of wine, got tacky 70's/80's tunes on the radio (is the only station to come in without too much static, although I hear you ask - "You have 60 gig's of music on your laptop, why suffer?" Ahhhhh yes, it's like those women with huge, fully stocked closets - all those clothes and nothing to wear. It's kinda like that), the chores have been done, bed is made, life is good!

So work. Yeah, about that...... Contract ended last Friday, so have been out of work for a week thus far. And only one call Monday morning from one of my 4 agencies.... Hmmmm. But I have emailed the gal I reported to at this past gig to let her know that when the work on their end starts to pick up, I'm happy and able to come back and help! So I guess it's wait and see with that one. Otherwise have fired up the Job Hunting Machine and time will tell....... that, or the awkwardly-worded email telling me the standard ".... unfortunately your application was unsuccessful....". Hmmmm. Which really, is just more motivation to get going on mah little Biz! Who needs The Man?! 'Course, I like The Man's paycheck........

And then the weekend/s. Been kinda quiet really. Unemployment (a.k.a. U.E.) has yet again sealed the bank vault, which means this time around am going to be U.E. without the escapism of t.v. in the evenings. Gasp! Yes, during the salad days I had other priorities before t.v. and now am regretting those priorities..... That's ok, I have mah little laptop to play DVD's on, that's probably for the better really, with all the reality crap and depressing news on real t.v. But the weekends have been good, if quiet. Although in saying that, I did manage to grab one small bag of money before the bank vault air-locked itself sealed, and from tomorrow at 11.00am the next 2 weekends are certainly going to pick up - cos am going to be in the US (San Diego and Tucson) from the 9th until the 25th! The idea of coming up came to me last Sunday and by Monday morning I had the tickets booked and paid for! Huzzah!!!!! Love spur of the moment international trips! I figured I have no job (so I don't need anyone's permission), some savings in the bank, time on my hands, last year's trip was a total write-off, why not come up and visit like a normal person? So hooray! Plane leaves here at 11am tomorrow and I arrive in LA around 7am - a whole four hours before I leave - time travel! 13 hour flight.... sigh, but I have my entertainment and since am flying with Virgin Australia again, they do have some pretty good in-flight stuff to keep you tres occupied, plus I have mah book (Bill Bryson "Mother Tongue", all about the English language - veryvery funny and educational, I highly recommend it), got my little MP3 player all loaded with with new tunes, I'm set! Must say tho, since I booked it all last minute the idea of An Adventure hasn't really sunken in yet.... But it will tonight when I finish packing! Well, that and the sad fact that earlier today I checked Kona into the Vet Hotel.... I miss mah kitteh, he's been really funny and nice and goofy the last few days...... Yes, am Crazy Cat Lady in Training..........

But otherwise, the weekend was good and productive - got alllllll the chores done and then some.
And today Kim came around to help me take Kona to the Vet Hotel and then we went for a good long walk, which included a very filling and good lunch at a Vietnamese place in West End, and then we walked back to my place so I could finish all the little pre-travel bits. I think a good long walk before a really long flight has got to be one of the best things. And plus the weather has just been beautiful and perfect. Chilly in the mornings, around 40 degrees, but around 70 during the day - and this is mid-winter! Hooray for the tropics! Until Summer anyways. Then it's 'curse the tropics'! So yes, a good weekend has been had.... Just wait until next weekend and the one after that - waaaahhooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So there you go. I hope you're all well up there, and just think after tomorrow, I'll be able to check on some of you myself to make sure you're fine and well! I hope if you're in the area we can catch up (all two of my loyal readers)?! Otherwise, you're more than welcome to come visit after the 27th! Hooray! See you soon!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...