Well. Here we are, yet another glorious Sunday afternoon, sun sinking and melting into evening..... No lorikeets unfortunately, just crows hollering their little frat boy heads off......... Got mah glass of wine, got tacky 70's/80's tunes on the radio (is the only station to come in without too much static, although I hear you ask - "You have 60 gig's of music on your laptop, why suffer?" Ahhhhh yes, it's like those women with huge, fully stocked closets - all those clothes and nothing to wear. It's kinda like that), the chores have been done, bed is made, life is good!
So work. Yeah, about that...... Contract ended last Friday, so have been out
And then the weekend/s. Been kinda quiet really. Unemployment (a.k.a. U.E.) has yet again sealed the bank vault, which means this time around am going to be U.E. without the escapism of t.v. in the evenings. Gasp! Yes, during the salad days I had other priorities before t.v. and now am regretting those priorities..... That's ok, I have mah little laptop to play DVD's on, that's probably for the better
But otherwise, the weekend was good and productive - got alllllll the chores done and then some.
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