Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Whale of a Birthday!


Well. Here we are, little late but like they say, better late than dead! No birds to twitter us into the evening tho, it's rainy, cold and miserable and what bird likes that kinda weather (I think it's the one week of winter that we get down here, so that's ok. Is sunny 358 other days of the year), but we do have groovy jazz tunes on the radio and a nice glass of red wine. Hooray for Sunday evenings!

So work. Yep. Apparently this is my last week. I think that's one reason why I wasn't in the mood to check in last week because I'd just found out from A Director that after the 30th of this month they weren't going to need me and by all means I should start looking for new work. Sigh. I tried to wow them with my Mad SkillZ, and I did for a time, but alas, the work has run out. So over the last week I've sent out the APB's, mobilized the troops, alerted the media and rattled the cages of the usual suspects. So we'll see what shakes down over the next couple weeks. Fingers crossed. Otherwise, work has been going well. I have to say, I quite like this editing/proofreading lark I've sort of landed in. Beats a hell of a lot of other grunt office crap! So hopefully will land something similar. Be good if I could really get into this whole web publishing malarkey, that seems to be the way things are going and I don't want to be a dinosaur! Wait for me modern technology! Oh, and I've ordered real, proper business cards for mah little business, and might even go to a talk first week of August at the Queensland Society of Editors and rub shoulders and shake hands and hand out biz cards and maybe get some advice.... Be good to get that up and running and get monies coming in for mahself instead of working for The Man! So things on the job-front should get pretty lively over the next couple weeks. My god fingers crossed it's only for a couple of weeks this time and not 7 months!!!! Gaahhhh!

And then the weekend/s. Last weekend was pretty cool. Woke up early for a Saturday and took myself into Southbank for the French Festival. Glad I got there early-ish cos an hour later the place was sooooo crowded you couldn't see the booths for the people! Lots and lots of food, couldn't get near most of it for the long lines, but I did manage to wrangle a little sausage baguette - was gooooooood. Love French food. And there were booths for translation services and business opportunities, as well as booths selling chateau's in the south of France, just in case you happen to be in the market for a French chateau and going to a booth at a 1 day festival seems like a good place to buy it...... So after having scouted out all the booths, and to avoid being run over by double-barreled strollers pushed by very angry, militant mothers, I hid in the wine corral where you could sit at a table and sip fancy French champagne and listen to music like civilized folk do at 11 in the morning. I will say it was a pretty cool way to spend half a day. I must get myself to France one of these days........

And then this weekend......Birthday! Well. Started off nicely with a half day at work Thursday to go run errands and to head up to Kim's to stay the night so we could get up early Friday/Birthday morning (day off!) to go Whale Watching! Oooooooh, was pretty neat, even if the seas were really choppy, it rained a bit and we couldn't really see any whales, at least nothing like they seem to do in the commercials. Overall it was a neat day out. We did see a baby whale (calf) and it's Mom (cow), tho Baby/Calf tried it's very best to jump out of the water to show us it could do it, while none of the other whales showed nearly as much enthusiasm as the baby did. At least not until we turned the boat around to head back to shore, then they couldn't keep themselves still for all the jumping and splashing, most of which we missed completely because, well, we drove away. Not sure why we didn't hang around, but we didn't. Sigh. Another time perhaps......... But otherwise it was pretty neat.

And then that evening, we quickly raced home to get ready to go out to dinner with a few folks at Tukka. I'd been there before a few years ago for a birthday past and thought that it might be a good place to go again. Meh, the food was really good (I had the crocodile, again, and the buffalo - was all YUM!), but the service just sucked. That's ok, I had my crocodile, and now more restaurants are putting it on their menus, and I hear New Zealand is breeding buffalo, so that's also going to appear on more menus now, so I probably won't have to ever go back. Hooray! And that was pretty much The Big Birthday. Pret-ty quiet considering the big plans I had........ Never mind, will plan a big one for next year, to celebrate my first year being, well, older. Hooray!

And today, was really pretty groovy - spent the day up at Kim's where she and a friend I'd
introduced her to (the office manager at my work) had a jam session all day. They were both in bands in New Zealand and had a lot of music and stuff in common. So today was their first jam session. I have to say, it was pretty cool to see these two just work so well together. One sings and the other plays keyboards, but by the end of the day they'd swapped places and found they were just as good at that! So hopefully they'll keep meeting up and jamming! I'll be their band manager once they get themselves up and running and organized!

And that's pretty much that. A Big Birthday has quietly come and gone (don't worry Big Birthday, I'll get you next year!), good French food and tunes were had, a jam session jam
med and laundry was washed...... Good weekends all around! So hope you're all well up there. Drop a line just to let me know when you're comin' on down for a visit or if you even read the little blog!? And I notice that tickets are still pretty cheap to get down here, so come on down - it'll be Spring soon!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...