Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hot Dogs, Meatballs & Ikea!


Well. Sunday evening. The birds are out there doing bird things (hopefully not pooping on all
of my clean laundry hanging out on the line), the weather isn't hot and humid, the chores have been done, the groceries stocked up - ahhhhhhh is a good Sunday!

So work. Yep, still there, whew! They "extended" me until (drum roll.........) the end of this month, which is like 2 weeks. Woooooo. I know it beats getting a one-week notice, but why couldn't they just extend me until like next year? Hmmm. Will keep trying. We lose our last temp at the end of this week, then it's just me, so hopefully they'll realize they just can't do all that work without me and my mad editing skillz and want to keep me forever. Well, at least long enough for me to pay off my debt, buy my Big Birthday Present, go on at least one of the Adventures on my list, and maybe even buy a real, brand new car (this year the car I have my heart set on is the Volkswagen Golf Comfortline TSI automatic, won world's safest car last year, they even have knee air-bags, that's what sold me!). So you see, this job just has to keep me on - I have plans!

And then the weekend. Started out a little early on Thursday, met my friend in the City after work for too many mid-week wines, but we did
manage to solve all of the problems of the world. Was good to catch up tho. And then Friday I finally got two friends to meet who are/were musicians in different bands in New Zealand, they got along fantastically, so hopefully they'll set up a band here and take the place by storm! I'll be the manager! And after that I darted over to Pizza and Games and a good catch up with those folks, which was very nice, as always. We haven't had Pizza & Games in ages; guess that happens when you have 3 small children and a small business on the side...... So when we can it's always really nice to catch up!

And then t
here was the real weekend. Saturday Kim came around and we headed out to Ikea. Hooray! I love Ikea no matter what people say. All I know is you get what you pay for and those Swedes sure know design! I now have enough tea lights to last until the next century. Well, when it's storm season here and the power goes out (as it often does), those thousand tea lights sure can come in handy! Plus in winter they can help warm the place up! Bonus! So yes, even tho the place was full of cranky children in strollers, it's still a happy place, so happy I ate 2 hot-dogs, then rapidly regretted it. Then, needing to walk off the 'dogs, and as if wandering around there wasn't enough, we decided to walk along the road from Ikea to the Springwood bus station - quite a hefty walk and back. Then, when we got back to Ikea, we needed to pick up one more thing, which meant walking through the whole place again, then, I decided I had to eat again so we sat in the restaurant where I put away a whole plate of their Swedish meatballs with lingonberry sauce and mashed potatoes! What the?! I have no idea what was going on with my appetite, all I know I was starving. Weird. But all soooooo good! So yes, Saturday was a very good day!

And then today was a blitz on the laundry and chores. Must be all the food I ate yesterday fueling m
e to do stuff today, because even tho I had a nice big gourmet omelette planned for breakfast, in the midst of running back and forth doing the laundry, I managed to burn it. Was a sad discovery. I ate some of it but it wasn't the gourmet fiesta I'd planned. Sigh. Probably for the best after yesterday's food-fest. Will make a good dinner to make up for the breakfast fail.

And that's about that! Can't believe it's Sunday evening already. Just one more day! That's ok tho, am enjoying the work (and monies) while I can! So I hope you're all well up there. I hear flights to come down here are still pretty cheap, so what are you waiting for - do you need help booking them, I can help! C'mon down!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

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