Sunday, July 04, 2010

Cutting Hair, Stuff and Ladles


Well. Sunday evening (on time for once!) with the chirruping crows, the odd couple of kookaburras, a couple of faraway lorikeets, and not sure what else; there're ran
dom Mexican, Reggae & Celtic tunes on the community radio station 4zzz..... all this fun as the sun sets on another weekend! Always at this time I feel like it went far too fast, like I was cheated out of a day........ But never mind - here we are!

So work. Yep. Still there. Whew! There are 3 of us temps from my same agency, even with the same agent/pimp (whom we just found out is knocked up with her first kid..... Sure it's nice and all, but all I could think was "who's going to get me work who knows me and my good history?" Darn
babies), anyways, one of us temps has got a better, long-term gig with a better government agency (yes I gave her a copy of my resume to paper her new cubicle with in hopes they hire me too), so her last day was Friday and the other temp is hitting the bricks next week.... Which leaves me - hopefully, to pick up the slack that the previous two had left, and show them that they really can't afford to let me go anytime soon.... That's how I like to think it in my head. Plus, when there were 4 of us helping with editing, there will only be two, and the other gal (real employee, not temp) doesn't work Fridays (must be nice)... But I do! So I waltz in every day, smile pretty and dance when they say "dance monkey, dance!", cos the work that am doing is dead easy, I like it well enough compared to what I could be doing ('you want fries with that?') and the pay is just waaaaaay too good to get cranky about. So I sure can dance when they demand! Hooray!

And then the weekend. Didn't get up to much. Slept a lot (cos my neighbor downstairs is an insomniac who loooooves his machine-gun video game, especially from around 2, 3 in the morning every night of the week, even tho he has a job and a girlfriend. Sad is just one of many words I could use); But in between sleeping-in and napping, I did mange to bust out the Chores, but this time it was above and beyond the garden-variety chores.... Every couple of months someone stuffs pink bags in our mail boxes asking us to donate whatever crap we have lying around. Oooooh boy, just in time! I'd planned on a big spring clean in honor of renewing the lease on this Shitbox Palace anyways, so those bags couldn't have appeared at a more fortuitous time! I managed to fill 2 of them! Man, I had crap from when I first moved here. Why? So out with a lot of stuff - clothes, kitchen utensils (when I have I ever needed a ladle?), shoes, christmas lights, all kinds of stuff. It's good to have a good clean out. I even dumped out all the little drawers in my bathroom and threw out a lot of the stuff that was in them - expired drugs and melted sore throat drops from 2006. I love cleaning out crap! I know that's a pretty sad way to spend a lovely mid-winter weekend down here in sunny Australia, but, well, yeah. Seeing as am still under Bank Arrest, there will be no exciting Adventures for a wee while yet. Soon tho! I have a trip planned to Ikea next Saturday (with a very, very small shopping list I might mention, still no livin' large, no matter how hard it's gonna be), that's semi-adventure........ Well, I like the place anyways...... Cheap meals if nothing else!

And that's pretty much that. I got my hair cut again. Shortshortshort. I like it. I really can't seem to tolerate growing it out no matter how hard I try. I seem to develop a sort of claustrophobia when it reaches a certain length (all of 2-3 inches). Sooooo, aside from the haircut, not a whole lot else to report on. Again, remember, Bank Arrest................ So all I can say is I hope you're all well up there! C'mon down while the weather's nice and flights are cheap! It'll be fun!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...