Sunday, June 27, 2010

Closets, Cubicles and Wine!


Well. Sunday evening finds us wishing for one more day to the weekend. But never mind – there’re groovy jazz tunes on the radio (ABC), got mah glass of wine, the sun has set (crows have chased away all the lovely, chatty lorikeets, the big bullies), I still have someplace to be tomorrow – life is good!

So. Work. Yeah. Still there. Still not sure for how much longer. Have asked a Gal In Charge and she said she’d get back to me. See, there’re two other gals in my same shoes all helping on the same little project, and one gal’s due to leave at the beginning of July and the other at the middle of July. So I’m guessing I’ll be out around then too……? Dunno. I like to hope that with those 2 gals leaving, they’ll just have to keep someone……….? Will continue to smile pretty and dazzle them with my Mad Proof-Reading SkillZ!

Meanwhile, in other job news, have been applying for regular real jobs too…. Even went to an interview last week – that went three days. Sheesh. You’d think they were hiring a brain surgeon and not some lowly little publications monkey. First interview was normal, went well. Second, they wanted me to come in and meet the CEO (why they didn’t just go around the corner and tell him to come in at that same interview, I don’t know, he was probably out golfing, or at the movies). Third interview, they didn’t believe that I had any Mad SkillZ in InDesign or, well, anything really, so they wanted me to come in and ‘dance monkey, dance’! They set me up to do a “simple test in InDesign” in the former gal’s office, a’la “this will be your office if you’re the successful candidate’. I had to be still my beating heart, for it was a closet, no window, just a big horrible florescent light, a desk and two tough and angry-looking filing cabinets, and yeah, it was a closet, very depressing; yet the outer office section was fulla cubicles with no one in them, including some near windows. So all I could think was ‘if I’m the successful candidate, I’m moving to a cell near a window’. Anyways, I did the test but not as well as I would’ve liked, as I think I didn’t have all the information required to do the “task”. So they’ll call me on Monday to let me know. Meh. Am not holding my breath over this one, I didn’t really want it after they told me ‘they didn’t have confidence in my design skills’. Let me give a little background to that bit of the story – first interview they sat me down and explained very clearly that the job was by no means a design job, never mind the fact that the job ad clearly stated “Graphic Design & Production Assistant”. Oooook. “Most of the work is in PowerPoint and Word, with a teeny bit in InDesign”. Ok. So I happily tell them hooray, am not Graphic Designer, am Desktop Publisher. Everyone seemed happy. Until they thought they’d test me in InDesign. WTF? Now, I love InDesign, why you would use Word for publishing I have no idea, you must like the punishment. Ahhhhhhh anyways, after leaving there for the 3rd time (5.15pm on a Friday evening), knowing the closet I’d have to work in and the level of mistrust regarding their staff’s skills levels, I decided I don’t want their stinky job if they were to offer it to me. That, and the niggling fact that I don’t think the pay’s gonna be so great – and yeah, after 3 interviews including one with the CEO, money still hasn’t been mentioned!? Huh? So yeah, forget it. So that’s the latest in As The Job Interviews Turn……… Sigh. I love the stoooooopid money am earning in this current gig for the little work I actually have to do. In fact, I haven’t had to answer my phone in at least a month! Bonus! But the bummer is the uncertainty as to expiration date. Hmmm. Fingers crossed they keep me for a wee while longer until I get a better gig! Until the next episode, will keep you posted!

And then the weekend(s). By the way, am sorry for not checking in last weekend. I sat here and thought and thought about it but nothing would come to me that was interesting…… But I did get out last weekend – went up to Kim’s and we drove to Redcliffe for a good long walk along the water, the weather was just lovely and perfect, and later we stopped for lunch at one of the restaurants there. This is like the 3rd time we’ve eaten at this same place, can’t remember the name, no big deal tho, the food was terrible and the service even worse. Shame. Oh well, we’ll find another, better place! Lots of them around there.

And then this weekend started off quiet but last night was good – went over to Dom’s for a good catch-up with him and a few of his friends including one friend I haven’t caught up with in aaaaaages. So it was a really nice evening. We meant to continue on into town to see what was happening in the Big City but we never made it out of his apartment until it was time to go home at 1.30am! Ahhhhh was a good night!

And today, as a result of the late night, was very quiet indeed, just the laundry…... Meant to do all the real chores but couldn’t be bothered. I mean really, how messy can the place be if it’s just me and my 15 pound roommate? So yes, next weekend will bust the place out. Maybe even have a bit of a spring clean in honor of renewing the lease on this little shitbox for another 6 months. I only signed on again because it’s still the cheapest thing in the ‘hood, even if it is this close to being condemned, or just falling over on it’s own. And because the place is so little and awkward, it’s pretty tough to collect stuff, so a good spring clean and tossing out any crap would be good… Not that I have much in the first place…..

So there you have it! Hope you’re all well up there! Come on down for a visit before summer starts up again (well, you have like another 5 months until the weather turns to sauna season)! Hooray!



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