Monday, June 14, 2010

Bonding with the Queen...!


Well. Late again as usual. Sorry for missing last weekend. It was a quiet
week followed by an even quieter weekend, nothing worth mentioning..... And am checking in today as opposed to yesterday (Sunday) because I kind of forgot, again. We've had another 3-day weekend - Happy Birthday Queen of England! Do you know, the Brits don't even get the day off for their own Queen's Birthday? That would be like US Samoa having Obama's birthday off but not the Mainland. Funny. But that's why am checking in today, Monday..... Hooray for the Queen! And after this 3-day weekend, that's it for long weekend's until the middle of August.... Bummer dude. But here we are! No twittering lorikeets tho..... they must fly, uhhhh, north for the winter!?

So work. Yep. Still have the gig, tho every week I wonder if it'll be my last...... Last week I barely had anything to do, except scatter a lot of papers around my desk to keep looking busy...... And am sort of dreading tomorrow with the worry that someone has to find out by now that I have nothing to be doing........ Not that I'm complaining, there's nothing better than bringing in a good paycheck for doing nothing all day, but that's only bitchin' if I wasn't a temporary chair warmer! But have put a few job applications into the wider world.... Fingers crossed.... again!

And then the weekend. Started off nicely with meeting my friend
Denise for dinner Friday evening. I used to work with Denise when I first moved here, at my first job. We haven't caught up for a couple years. Can't believe it'd been that long. So we had a very nice catch up! So much to cover! Hopefully this time two years won't go past before our next catch up!

And then Saturday. Was very nice. Kim and I went on another of our good long-ish walks (after a decent train ride from town), along the esplanade from Lota to Manly, (which was really a wander along the shoreline of mudflats and mangrove trees......) where we were stopped by lunch and wine at the Manly Deck Restaurant (which, even tho is attached to their backpackers (we had the gal show us around in the backpackers section, ehhhhhhh, pretty basic, I wouldn't stay there.....) but the food was fantastic!) and we didn't get to continue on to Wynnum like we'd planned because Bruce (I used to work with him at the last good gig) and his wife and their 2 friends meet up with us! That was a nice end to our day. We had wine, sunset, laughs... I must say I rather like Manly (remember I went there a couple Halloween's ago for their Halloween Parade?), but the everyday commute into town would kill me, it'd be at least 2 hours a day on the train. No way Jose. It can stay as a nice place to visit!

And then Sunday was chores and errands...... Nothing to shout (or write) about....

And today, Queen's Birthday Monday, was even quieter! Yawn indeed. I actually woke up with the
grand plan in mind to sit around and watch James Bond movies all day (I thought the Queen would approve), but then the thought of watching such cool movies on my wee little laptop rather than on a big get outta town TV, well, I decided to put the little laptop to better use and applied for a good handful of jobs. How productive and pro-active of me! Fingers crossed I get one of the damn things once and for all! Then I'll be able to get that huge get outta town TV! Hooray!

So there you have it. Bit dull I'm afraid. Oh well, never mind, it's the thought that counts. Which means I hope you're all well up there!? Remember, Qantas still has cheap flights going and the dollar is only getting stronger! So c'mon down! Hooray!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...