Monday, May 03, 2010

Labor Day, Free From Labor!


Well. Here we are, only it's.... Monday evening..... We had another 3-day weekend (Labor Day) and I just now realized I missed last night, thinking last night was Saturday.....
Whooopsies! But here we are! The breeze is stirring the palms, the crows are crowing, don't know where the chatter-box lorikeets are, maybe it's too early for them and their sunset meeting, the weather is beautiful tho, hooray!

So work. Yep. Just finished Week Two, even tho it was an easy, short week,
and then this coming week will be short too.... Still, it's good to kind of ease back into it. So far all seems good. We moved to our new office on Tuesday, got settled, and went to work on mah projects..... Even tho am not entirely sure what I'm doing, am trying to figure it all out with a minimum of info! But so far everyone seems nice, the project(s) seem easy, at least at this stage, and they'll probably get even easier when we get two more people to help.... Ok! Soooo, am just going to take it one week at a time, squirrel away mah paychecks and hope for the best and that the gig goes a long time!? Will keep you posted when I know more about what I'm doing!

And then the weekend! Cos I can have a real one again, just like normal people! Hooray! Started out Friday evening at a friend's with wine and cheese, which turned into cocktails in the city until 2am. Whhooooowweeee I can't do too many of those nights! But I must say it was sure fun to get out for a change. Then Saturday I met Kim and her friend who was visiting from the States just for the weekend (she's a flight attendant with a weekend to spare while waiting for her 'working' flight) for Kim's birthday dinner at Da Sette Soldi.... It was a pretty good meal, can never go too wrong with Italian, and good conversation! Always fun to meet friends of friends! Then Sunday I met up with them again and we showed her friend around the city, along the river then over to the Pig n' Whistle for fish and chips and wines! Yum! By then we were all pretty beat and it was getting on to bedtime, which is kinda why I zoned on writing last night...... Ahhhhh well, we had a great day out sightseeing, the weather was beautiful and warm, it was nice. It's always nice to show someone around the city! And am getting so good at it that I can tailor your tour down to the minute and interest/needs! So c'mon down!

And then today, a free day, I'd intended to do chores, but decided the place wasn't too bad and that I can do them next weekend...........So have just been messing around on the Internet and helping a friend with his resume.... I would watch a few DVD's but mah TV is dead..... Still, I have 3 books to hurry up and get through before they're due back at the library..... I got lots to keep me entertained without TV!

So there you go. Kinda quiet, but definitely exciting in the work category (more or less, as exciting as work can be. But the paycheck is sure exciting!). So hope you're all well up there! Feel free to come on down and check the place out - the weather's gorgeous!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...