Monday, May 10, 2010

Head Aching to be Busy Bee!


Well. Here we are. Monday. Checking in late. Am sorry. I had a wicked headache for most of the day Sunday and by the time it cleared it was late afternoon and the last thing I wanted to do was sit on front of the little computer and try to summarize my week/end in a semi-clever and witty manner……... But here I am! Fulla beans and rarin’ to be semi-clever and witty!?

So. Work. Yep. Is good to have, regardless how bored I am. In fact, I wrote the little blog at work today for lack of having anything constructive to do…. But don’t get me wrong by any means, way, shape, or form – I LOVE HAVING A GIG! So far the novelty of, well, the pay check, won’t ever get old, and it’s sure nice to have someplace to be everyday. But as to the way I wile away the 7.5 hours, well…….. I try to help anywhere I can, but so far they haven’t given me a lot…. Yet. Am trying to organize 2 Big Projects, but they have yet to figure out what it is I can organize exactly. So I sit here and mess around formatting spreadsheets (whether they need it or not) and designing flow-charts (whether they need them or not). Otherwise, it’s tough to predict what they want without a crystal ball or amazing mind-reading skills. Maybe am rusty in the mind-reading department……. Then again, maybe I’ve decided not to kill myself over this gig like I did the last one. Either way, when am not cruising the hallways checking out the posh meeting rooms with views and trying out all the chairs, I look out my window next to mah desk and pine for busy-ness! Otherwise, all’s is well! Hooray for work!

And then the weekend. Started off rather early in the week on Thursday evening when I met up with a friend to go to the Judith Wright Centre’s Institute of Modern Art for an art exhibit and a performance/music/film…. ‘thing’. Who knew you could mix steel-string slide guitar (with many psychedelic effects, played by a guy who looked like an Australian Jimmy Buffet) with a silent 1960’s Italian documentary about where Gauguin lived when he lived in Tahiti, with a xylophone (with many psychedelic effects, played by a seemingly straight-laced, older American guy)? All I can say is – FREE! Plus, bonus, they gave us free wine/beer/champagne the whole time! HOORAY! And I must add, we had pre-‘thing’ tapas in the attached bar/restaurant and it was fantastic, which is a pretty mean feat because am usually disappointed by tapas…. Anyways, after the performance……. ‘thing’, we hung around in the attached bar to take in the hip and groovy jazz band. Then, tired of that we headed over to this chic new club/restaurant called Cloudland for one more drink of wine. What can I say about Cloudland……? People practically killed themselves to be invited to the opening parties…. Is meant to be the hippest place in town…. It has an interesting outside…. And an even more interesting inside. I’ll just say it’s very cavernous (height-wise) and the décor…. Uuummmmmhhhmmmmm…….. my first impressions were “Goodfellas” meets the Copacabana circa 1960’s Las Vegas, meets Bat Cave, meets sub-tropical rainforest.……. Anyways, the couches were comfy and the service was pretty good. At least now I know and I can scratch that venue off mah list! But wwwhhooooweeee, never again on a school night. Friday was pretty tough to get through on 4 hours of sleep, a slight hangover, and no real work to be had. Curse getting old (angrily shaking fist in air)!

And then there was the real weekend. Very quiet compared. Chores. Napped. Read. Can’t say I vegged in front of the TV, as it’s still dead. Just the usual exciting and thrilling life I lead down here on most weekends. But I will say in my defence, am way outta work-shape, so come the weekend am beat. I’ll get into the swing of it all eventually. I had 7 months of napping at will! It doesn’t help that am not run off my feet all day Monday – Friday, like I was at the last gig, which could be why am so tired at the end of the week – from not having a lot to do…. Yet? Fingers crossed!

So there you have it. Sorry for checking in late. Hope you’re all well up there. I hear Qantas is giving away round-trip tickets for $900 or so…….. No excuse now! Good weather and cheap flights – who do I meet at the airport first!??!



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Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...