Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cold Derby Liquor!


Well. Here we are. Sunday evening finds us,
well, here in front of the little computer! There's no sunset or twittering lorrikeets to send us on our way because it's been cold and rainy all day.... So unlike Brisbane! But it is meant to be Autumn after all, so the fact that it's "cold" (70 degrees) is pretty much fine by me - no more summer, searing humid days and nights! Wahoo! But am sorry for not checking in last week. Last Sunday evening as I sat down to write I took one look at the little computer and my brain went into creative and sentence-stringing freeze-up. I'd spent the whole day pretty much outside in the chill and damp on the River helping Kim to show her parent's around Brisbane (they're visiting from NZ), and by the time I got home that evening, and even after a hothot shower, I just couldn't get warm.... long story short - I caught a cold and it kicked mah butt all week. But I kicked it's butt back (note to self: write to Sudafed and pledge undying love) and now here we are - cured!

So work. Yeah... about that... I still have it
... for now. Found out last week that this coming week could well be my last. They've taken me off the Big Project, through no fault of my own (contrary to what my Pimp might think), but because there's simply nothing doing. Apparently we've done all we can on our side of the proverbial tennis court, now it's over to the Sheik's in Dubai...... which means nothing's happening at the moment. So, to give me something to do they set me up in a little cubicle (with strangely high walls.....) to do data-entry..... At first I was pretty cranky about it all (that could've been the strangely high walls), but then reason took over when I realized I was being paid $42 bucks an hour to do basic mind-numbing data-entry, where I could listen to my music all day and no one wants me for annnnnything - sweeeeeeet! Shame to see it all end so soon! I figure I have this week left and that's the curtain on the JW - SuperTemp Show at Qld Health. Bummer, but oh well. What can one do? Have applied for a couple jobs out there, but otherwise it's back into the cold, harsh world of contracting. Will keep you posted!

And then the weekend(s). Last weekend was pretty cool, aside from the cold I caught. Saturday I went with a friend to go see the Roller Derby! Waaahhhoooo! We tried to go a few weeks back but tickets had sold out instantly. But we got in this time! And even then we still had to stand the place was so crowded! It was fun. After every one of those bouts I'm always this close to signing up. But my they're so tame here compared to how it's played in the States! So polite! So clothed and clean! No crazy punk-rocker make-up, no awesome costumes, the torn fish-nets were there, but that's about as crazy as it got. Never mind, it was good fun. Gee, maybe I should join up and introduce punk-rocker makeup and crazy costumes...... Then again, must find job over joining roller derby! Then after that, we met some more people and headed over a couple blocks to a really way totally cool little corner bar called The Joynt. Been meaning to go there for aaaaages. Once there we realized we were just in time for the "headline act" of a totally cool honky-tonk/Rockabilly band called Corn Liquor - they were bitchin'! Oh I was so happy we caught the very beginning of their set! And they played for ages! I liked 'em so much I collared the lead singer to harass him for a cd but they'd sold out (good for them!), but he did give me a play-list so I can go hunt down the stuff I'd heard. Cool! So a totally bitchin' night was had! Hooray!

Then that Sunday, Kim and her folk's came 'round and we walked into town, showing them the sights along the way. They're really pretty cool. They've been visiting Brisbane for yeeeeeeaaars and love the place, so why they don't move here yet......? But I must say, the really cool City Cat ferry tour, must cut that down to just one leg of the trip, otherwise it gets butt-numbingly boring. Much as I love it, I will finally admit that it gets old after a bit. So after that we wandered around SouthBank a little, stopped for lunch and a hot cup of tea before heading back into the City and then home. Was a good day but, well, you know the rest. Stupid cold.

And then this weekend. Well, after spending all week kicking that cold's butt, all I really wanted to do was hang around and nap really. Which I did with much success! I even got the chores done too. Funny, with the weather the way its been all week, and as crappy as I'd felt, all I wanted was to veg out in front of the TV. But no. No TV. TV dead. In fact, to stop it torturing me, I took it and stashed it under our dumpy building, where it seems a collection of unwanted broken things have gathered to collect dust. So now I have this strange empty spot in the middle of my teeny living room that's hollow, like a tooth when it falls out. Hmmm. I have mah little computer tho and many TV series' to get through with no interruption! So far am nearly finished with "Deadwood" - one of the best shows ever, next to Magnum PI and Northern Exposure. But I do yearn for the news, "Spicks and Specks", the odd mindless sitcom, and even commercials now and then.... Oh well. Once a decent gig is secured, then will get a TV.

And that is pretty much that. Sorry for missing last week, but you understand. And that was this week. Bit of a bummer about the gig but oh well. I think I went through this last time before landing my really good gig. Time. Will enjoy the pay while I have it! So hope you're all well up there! I see that both Qantas and Virgin Australia have screamin' deals to come down here - and notice the dollar has gotten stronger against the Aussie dollar! Which is tres bad for stock-market but tres good for plane tickets and spending monies! So take advantage of the latest market plunge and c'mon down!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...