Well. I see I've done it again - gone and let a couple weeks go by when I really, kinda, sorta didn't intend to. Am sorry. I think about it tho! But here we are - the sun is setting happily, the lorrikeets are cheerfully tweeting away in the Eucalyptus and palm trees, the cat has had his lettuce, there's a tribute to Hawaiian music on the radio, I have my glass of wine - life is good!
So work. Funny you should ask, cos I just so happen to be gainfully employed. I know, crazy, huh? Even I keep thinking it's a cruel trick
And then the weekends. Have managed to get out a couple times. Last weekend went on an Adventure Walk with Kim through Newstead (the 'hood where my foster Xmas family lives), over to the Breakfast Creek Hotel for
Then yesterday I met a friend for breakfast at Sassafras (like 2 minutes from my dumpy apartment, their ricotta pancakes, gross as they sound, they're The Bomb). Then we had a wander over to a
And today were the very neglected chores, not that the place gets that bad. Plus it's been raining off and on and today was the first nice day (tho hot - nearly 90! It's Autumn for cryin' out loud!) for at least a week. So it's all clean and dry now! Hooray!
So yeah. That's about that. Just have to get back into the swing of things. Hee, Friday evening I was so tired and beat from the week that I went to bed at 8.30pm. I didn't wake up until 9.15am the next morning. I haven't slept like that since working at the theatre. And really, I mean c'mon, office work is nothing
So there you go. Finally I bring good tidings. What. A. Relief. So yeah, it's game on - so if anyone would like to c'mon down, the weather's beautiful (more or less, at least it's not stinkin' hot every day) and the Tour Guide is back in business!
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