Well. Here I am! A day late but that’s because this weekend was Easter, and they get from Friday until Monday off, so today, even tho it’s Monday, it feels like Sunday. Soooo that’s why I’m checking in a little late…. But anyways, here we are!
So work. Yeah. No. Not yet. I did have 3 whole days of being Super Temp, but that was all. Tho one good thing did come from it besides a very paltry pay, I made a new friend! He’s pretty cool; we ended up talking a lot about all the kinds of music we like and how he’s just starting up a little jazz band with a friend. And he lives in my same ‘hood, just on the other end. So that’s cool – an interesting new friend! But otherwise, I had a strict rule this weekend of not turning on the computer, which is also kinda why am late checking in, but mainly because I really needed a break from The Job Hunt. So today am just checking in and will hit the job board’s fresh tomorrow. Plus want to spend some real time fixing up mah little desktop publishing business, get that going no matter how small, anything to do something for some dough! Will keep you posted!
And then the weekend……... Nice, long, relaxing weekend. It was excellent! I got out a lot for once and caught up with a few folks, and even got to eat a few meals out! Just like in the old days! Hooray! Let’s see, Thursday we had our pizza and game night ("Carcassonne" is the game we play, I finally managed to remember!) with the old work guys and his family, always most excellent.
Saturday I caught up with my new friend for breakfast before meeting Kim for an Adventure Walk. That was neat – we caught the bus from the middle of town up to but it beats catching the bus into town to catch it back again! Annnnnyways, we discovered how easy it is to get up there on the bus. So we stopped and checked out the view (little hazy) and had a glass of really overpriced wine and a bowl of french-fries (pardon me, chips). Tho by the time we got up there it was getting on sunset and the bus, fantastically convenient as it is the last bus back to town is like at
And then Sunday I met 2 friends from old work for breakfast and a little wander around town, but nearly everything was closed. Then came home for a nap before meeting my new friend for dinner at the Paddo Pub! Cooooool!
And then today. Will be quiet and lazy. After I check in I intend to get mahself a root beer float and watch DVD’s until bedtime. I haven’t done that in ages and it’s what I had planned for the whole weekend, only everybody wanted to catch up! Not that I’m complaining – Hooray!
So there you have it! A few small Adventures were had, nice meals eaten and new friends to chat with – hooray! So now that I know how to get up to the top of Mt. Coot-tha, that’ll be one more thing we can do when you come for a visit……….! So c’mon down, the weather’s finally perfect!
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