Well. Am very sorry for not checking in for so long. As you can see/read am neither dead nor living under a bridge... yet. I kept thinking that if I was going to check in and say hi, it'd be with good news, like I got a job, or won the lottery, or married a really really rich guy with a castle in Southern France. Sadly, none have come true. Certainly not for lack of trying and being the good performing monkey I am at interviews. I just thought I was sparing you the tedium in light of there being no real news to report for ages. But here I am, just wanted to write and say hi, am sorry for the radio silence, and that I'm not dead! Hooray!
So work. Yeah. Maybe the less said about the whole thing the better. I will say I've applied for lots
So the last few weekends...... Been pretty quiet actually. The only way I know it's a weekend is the people on the evening news change,
And that's pretty much that. I can't believe how long it's been since no adventure havin' fun - and I don't mean working, cos that's not havin' fun for anyone except the bank! Otherwise, hope you're all well up there! Sorry for not checking in, I'll do it more often, regardless of the news!
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