Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tunnelling Through the Week with Whitney...?....!


Well. Look at this - checking in 2 weekends in a row! Gasp! Just like old times! I suppose because I actually got
out of the house a coupla times this week and actually had a little bit of fun. Had to do something to break up the monotony of looking for work!

So work. Yep. We're still parted. Still looking. Same ol' story there..... Trust me when I say the day I do finally get a gig, I'll check-in with a special 'breaking news just in' post! Fingers crossed it's sooner rather than later.....!!!?

And then there were very small Adventures had (hooray)! Monday
evening was really...... interesting, and bonus - free! Remember how I'd won tickets to go see ol' Whitney Houston in concert? Oh yeah. We went. Boy were we happy we didn't pay for the tickets to that stinker of a concert. Whhhoooooooowwwweeeeeeee she was TERRIBLE. Like, bad. Like, really bad. So bad that the news ran stories (read the comments, booooo-hiss!) about it for two nights after the show (and they rarely even run stories about good shows!). And I hear they've mentioned it up there too. Yeah. International bad reviews. That's bad. Those poor people who paid around $200 for tickets are screaming for their money back. As you would. She should be the high-school poster girl for why not to do crack. Hee hee, one person who commented about how bad the show was said she wishes Whitney from 20 years ago could slap the Whitney now for ruining her career. I thought it was funny. I mean, we felt bad for her because she's clearly lost all talent she used to have, and she had lots. It was really just sad to watch her struggle and croak and cough through her drug-induced mist (apparently she wasn't sober at the show, go figure). Sad. Interesting way to spend a Monday!

And then there was the rest of the week. Eh............ quiet. Hot and humid, which makes focusing on work-hunting a little tough. Because when you're hunting jobs, you have to have a clear and focused mind and a razor-sharp resume! And to think Autumn is like, well, tomorrow I think, and yet it's still as horrible as it's been since October..... Sigh..... Tropics.......... I'll just appreciate the Autumn, Winter and Spring that much more! Hooray! I can't believe I spent the whole summer unemployed in this hot sweat-box of an apartment. I'll probably freeze to death this winter if the temperature goes below 70 degrees!!!!! I'll have to invest in a heat lamp! I am The Lizard Queen (step aside Jim Morrison!)!

And then there was the weekend. Got out a bit, which was niiiice. Yesterday, Saturday, went out for a good long walk with Kim over to show her the "nice" side of Fortitude Valley - James Street. Oooooh fancee-pants! Lalalalalaala they only let you drive along James St. if you own anything in the Porsche, Mercedes, BMW, Lexus, Audi, Aston-Martin, Ferrari, etc, families (preferably 4x4). Even better if you have at least 3 small, blonde (of course) children. We love the 'hood cos even tho we can't afford to buy anything in any of the groovy boutiques (yes dahh-link, they're boutiques, not shops), it's a nice spot to hang out. Clean, tree-lined, polite, smells nice..... Come down and I'll show ya! But our walk ended early as we were driven out by (not by small bank balances as you would expect) the rain. It moved across and settled in. So having seen the bulk of it, and shops - er, boutiques, were closing up for the day anyways, we hot-footed it back to Paddington. I should get down that way more often - it's got a lot of interesting boutiques, bakeries, cafes and tons of art galleries...... Yuppie culture! Hooray! It certainly beats the "other" side of The Valley - it's where all the nightclubs and bars that are open until sunrise. People stumble out of these places after drinking for at least 8 hours straight, and the moment they hit fresh air and daylight they throw-up and pee all over the sidewalk and then beat each other up. The place just stiiiiinks, and watch those puddles. Oh yeah. Good times. Sure. Call me old - go on! I can think of better evenings out and better ways to spend a few hundred dollars! So yes, the James Street end of The Valley wins. Who knew yuppies would win over drug-addled youths. I am getting old. Hooray!

And then today (Sunday, thanks for playing along with the calendar at home) was was really, really cooooool! Tho not cool temperature-cool, but neat-o coooool! Today was the Open Day for the new big Clem 7 Tunnel ("...named after Clem Jones, Brisbane's longest serving mayor from '61 - '75....") they've been digging at for 3-some years and cost over 2 billion dollars. Today was the day they let the public walk all the way through it! And the bit that we walked was just over 2 & 1/2 miles long! Neeeeeaaaattt! Cos if you think about it, if you're walking around in that tunnel at any other time, well, that can't be good. Let alone sit or lie down in it! Neeeeeeeeat. I know it's kind of geeky, just like when I walked along the new bus-way a few months ago, but really pretty neat in a history of the city kinda way. So I went with my friend Dom and met up with his friend and his girlfriend and off we walked! Woooooo we were pretty beat after. I mean, it wasn't a tough walk by any means, nor long, but just sort of draining in a way. Hard to explain. Still tho, it was really cool. I mean, seeing as I have no wheels, and I refuse to spend the $4.28 to zip through it if I did have a car, I probably won't see the inside of it for quite a while, and hopefully not at walking speed. Awwwww, if anything neat like this happens in your city, and they give you the chance to go look at or walk around in/on it - go. It's a once in a lifetime kinda thing. I know it's got a pretty high geek factor, but deep down, whoever thinks you're a geek secretly wishes they could've gone too if they knew it was happening. Oh yeah.

And that brings us to, well, now! Am in real need of a biiiiig glass of water and a shower (that tunnel was dusty, and it was a hot and humid day (yeah, yuck)), oh and a glass of wine wouldn't walk by alive! So there you go, some nice little Adventures were had! Hooray! Hope you're all well up there! Hey, if it's turning to Autumn down here, you get to have Spring up there! Well, that just means you can come down here any time cos the weather's going to be lovely (uhhhhh, sooon, I hope.....!)


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...