Sunday, February 21, 2010

Art, Soil & Chocolate Truffles


Well. It's been a while. Am sorry. Partly no news to repo
rt, partly too hot to write that late in the day, and partly just too lazy. But here we are! It's neither hot, nor late, nor am I feeling lazy! The lorrikeets (and other assorted birds I haven't figured out yet) are happily chirping away, a breeze has slowly kicked up, the sun has set........ Hooray!

So work. Yeah, I just know there's a job out there that I could well be hired to do. It just hasn't contacted me yet. Same ol' story there - have put in, well, so many applications that not only have I lost count, I can't remember what half of them were doing that I sent away for. Sorry for me the day they call and I have no idea who they are or what they want! Just hire me! It'll be fun! So in other words - no gig just yet. Sigh. I think, now don't get me wrong here, but I think I'm getting just a little bit bored. I mean, I have lots to keep me busy, I just would maybe like to be kept busy not in this apartment anymore, and for money. You get the picture......... Am just sayin'.

So what else can I report on........? Have been up to my friend Kim's in Strathpine a couple times.... Always nice to get out and away to another 'hood.......... Finally made it out to my friend's parent's house, well, they're in the process of building their house, up in the semi-rural 'hood of Kilcoy, about 1/2 hour, 45 minutes west-north of the city and a bit inland. Very pretty spot. Tho the day we went it was absolutely pouring. I haven't been in a car, in that kind of rain since I can't remember. It was really bad. Hydroplaned just once, which I thought was pretty impressive. And of course when we finally arrived at the parent's place, no rain. But while we were inspecting the building progress (it's going to be amazing when it's finished - I wanna live there too!), well that's when the rain moved in and stayed for the rest of the afternoon. Eh, it's ok from the inside of a nice comfy place, but rotten to be driving in it. So we had breakfast and lunch and a good chat and by then, late in the afternoon, the rain had rained itself out and away. Even the main highway was basically dry by the time we got on it - home safe! Hooray!

Otherwise the excitement and adventures have been mainly limited to free stuff in town. So have been up to the Art Gallery and the Modern Art Gallery - both free with the most freezingist air conditioning, grocery stores would beg for the recipe! I couldn't even stay too long cos, silly me, as it was hot as hell outside, and after spending all summer in this sweat box of an apartment, I have blood thinner than a lizard, it didn't occur to me to bring a scarf, coat, hat and gloves. Next time tho, am wise now. And am kinda kicking myself for not visiting the galleries more often, if not for the culture, the air conditioning!

And have also been invited to pizza and games nights a few times, which is
always a good evening out, boring as it sounds, it's actually quite fun (and the pizza is way bitchin' - hooray for homemade pizza!) And one good thing about having a bit of time up my sleeve is that since I can't contribute to pizza nights like I used to, I've been baking/creating desserts for it. This past Friday I think I outdid myself! I made, completely from scratch, Oreo-Strawberry Truffles with a strawberry whipped cream on the side. It sounds sort of gross, I'll say that, but nonononono, they turned out gooooooooooooooooooooood! And how easy is it to make your own whipped cream? And how much better does it taste minus all the chemicals and preservatives and crap store-bought stuff has (sorry Cool-Whip, but you've been replaced!)???? Easy and soooooooo good! But I had to first de-frosting the Oreo's (it was a little like de-veining shrimp, minus the grossness and the smell, but then, what the hell do you do with half a pound of Oreo insides? Ideas, send 'em through!?), then mashed up all the cookies until they were a fine sort of powder. Then all you had to do was mix that with a thing of cream cheese into well, truffle balls, then dip them in melted dark chocolate, dust with a bit of vanilla powdered sugar and voila! So for more fun I made whipped cream and mixed in 1/2 a cup of fresh mashed strawberries as a side to dip the truffles in. I say I had to do all of this by scratch because A) No job means no livin' large and B) I don't have room for stuff like food processors and bowls and such chef pro-gear. So having to make do with the ultimate basics, man, it still turned out fantastic. Makes me think I don't need a place like Williams-Sonoma (but oh if they had them here.........)! I just love making desserts, especially when they turn out amazing! Hooray for me! Success! Next stop Paris and the Cordon Bleu Pastry School!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y'know, you may snigger a little at my joy of baking and light gardening, go on, but just think I could
be into worse things with my downtime. Like Tupperware. Or Avon. Or ~shudder~ Amway. Oh yeah.

So.... what else...... Y'know, I can never think of stuff to mention, then about a day or two later I remember stuff....... Kim and I are off to see, tee hee, Whitney Houston tomorrow night. Hmmm. Will report back on that....... Hooray for free tickets! Ummmm.. Oh, today was really quite nice, my friend Hasse came around and we went to have lunch in the 'hood of Bulimba. Which was extra nice because it wasn't the same ol' 'hoods of Paddington and Rosalie, places we've been to a trillion times. And while I've passed through Bulimba, I never really spent any time there. So we had a good wander from one end all the way down to the river. Then on our way back we found a nice spot for lunch and that was that! Ooooh was a nice place, must try it for dinner one evening. And it wasn't until we ordered that I remembered my camera. Dur. Wandered up and down the main drag and to the river without one photo. It's because of not getting out that I think I forget. Also it was hot and all I could think about was air-conditioning and wine. But at least I got a shot of the dessert! I'll take myself back there again, with camera, on the ferry, been meaning to for ages........ Then it was to Bunnings Warehouse (just like Home Depot only instead of orange, it's green, and, well, called Bunnings) because have been doing some light indoor gardening, I needed potting soil and they had huge bags of it on sale - plus a dude and a car to carry it all - bonus!

And that's that! Now you see why I haven't been checking in every weekend? I think about it every Sunday evening but then I also think there's not much to report. Do you really want to hear how the lemon trees I've started from wee seeds are slowly but surely growing? Didn't think so. When things pick up, will get back to the Adventures, photos and checking in more often. Promise! Because I'd hate to lose all one of my readers! Hahahahaha! So there, I hope you, my one reader, is well and happy where ever you may be reading this!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...