Well. It's been a while. Am sorry. Partly no news to report, partly too hot to write that late in the day, and partly just too lazy. But here we are! It's neither hot, nor late, nor am I feeling lazy! The lorrikeets (and other assorted birds I haven't figured out yet) are happily chirping away, a breeze has slowly kicked up, the sun has set........ Hooray!
So work. Yeah, I just know there's a job out there that I could well be hired to do. It just hasn't
So what else can I report on........? Have been up to my friend Kim's
Otherwise the excitement and adventures have been mainly limited to free stuff in town. So hav

And have also been invited to pizza and games nights a few times, which is always a good evening out, boring as it sounds, it's actually quite fun (and the pizza is way bitchin' - hooray for homemade pizza!) And one good thing about having a bit of time up my sleeve is that since I can't contribute to
Y'know, you may snigger a little at my joy of baking and light gardening, go on, but just think I could be into worse things with my downtime. Like Tupperware. Or Avon. Or ~shudder~ Amway. Oh yeah.

And that's that! Now you see why I haven't been checking in every

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