Monday, July 06, 2009

Checking-In to the Hotel of Yawns, with Dessert


Well. Yes. Am late. Am sorry.
See, I had kinda planned to write earlier in the day, but somehow that day got away from me, looking for a new job tends to have that day-draining affect. Then I needed a break from looking for work, so I took myself out with a friend for a really nice walk down to Rosalie, where tea and dessert and wine were had. Next thing I know, it’s time to get ready for Monday and bed! Sheesh weekends go by fast.

So work. Yep. Is good. Have been so focused on drawing up a massive, comprehensive list of allllllll the stuff I do, including estimated dates of completion, etc, as well as trying to tidy up the final bits of my big RoboHelp project, that I really haven’t had much time for much else. But, after 2 meetings with IT, my project looks good enough to launch live. Almost. One last glance from the client and see what happens. My massive task list is finished, all that’s left is a meeting with The Boss about it, and then we’ll know where we’re at. Hmmm……………….

And then the weekend. Quiet was the name of the game (contrary to what Abba say). Friday was so quiet I think I fell asleep in front of “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” like 4 times. And I started it at around 7.30pm. Sadsadsad. Most of it is really based on the fear of being outside of the house when it’s not work or a real errand – it costs me money every time. Am safest inside, well away from cash registers.

And then there was Saturday. Much the same. Only with some chores thrown in for variety. Sprinkled with a dash of job-hunting. Ahhhhhhhh, nothing like a huge trip overseas combined with looming unemployment to put the brakes on any fun. Oh yeah.

And then Sunday. Well, you kind of know how that went. It was quite nice to get out of the house and go for a walk, haven’t gone for a walk around my ‘hood for ages. Because it usually ends up costing me money in one way shape or form! But, fresh air, a stretch of the legs and dessert are always worth it in the end.

And that’s about that! Sad, I know. ‘Why bother writing at all’, I can hear you grumble. Because after nearly 3 years of checking in on a Sunday afternoon, it’s become kind of a nice little habit, and I actually feel a bit guilty if I don’t check in, adventures or no adventures. If only with the very few of you on the other side were as easy to know what’s going on! Either way, I hope you’re all well up there. Just a few weeks to go until The Trip (and unemployment, but let’s focus on the positives, shall we?)!


P.S. To liven up a pretty dull check-in, I’ve includ
ed some lovely photos at Magnetic Island from a couple weeks ago….. Now that was a nice adventure!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...