Sunday, June 28, 2009

Weekend on Skates


Well. Here it is. Sunday evening. The weekend, honestly, where did it go? This time it went waaaay too fast for not having got up to much. Sad. I mean on one hand, you wouldn’t want the weekend to drag, resulting in you looking forward to Monday, but then you certainly don’t want it to be as speedy as this one was. Ahhhhhh well, happy to have had one at all and a job to go to tomorrow!

So work. Yep. Enjoying my shortening time while frantically looking for something else. Nail biting time. Sigh. Otherwise all is well. My big RoboHelp project is nearing the end, which is good in a way, means I can focus on all the other semi-neglected projects, well, in the 8 weeks I have left…… Sigh. Gonna miss this gig. But, change, like death, is inevitable! So, for what it’s worth, work is good, for the time being.

And then the weekend. The speedy blur that it was. Started off in the usual fashion – Friday evening, drinks after work with the nice work folks, which lead us to a very nice Indian Restaurant in the ‘hood of Albion. Excellent service, lovely food. Am slowly but surely getting into this Indian food thing. It’s good, different spices, flavors, breads etc. It’s good. Still tho, nothing beats a table-full of Mexican food! Jalapenos any day!

And Saturday…………… Did some laundry and a bit of trip planning (still straightening out that Trip spreadsheet, nearly there), but not nearly as much planning as I wish I had. That’s ok tho, time enough…. Kind of. Geez, it’s coming up isn’t it? Eeeeek! Must find job! Otherwise Saturday had skates on it and it simply flew by.

And today, well, kind of productive and kind of relaxing at the same time. Did the chores first up and then went to the Pineapple Hotel in the ‘hood of Kangaroo Point, with Sarah and some more nice folks from work, and even met a few new folks, which is always good! It was a neat pub, very modern (recently done up), very big, and lovely wood-fired pizza, and any place that does wood-fired pizza is top in my books! It was a very nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon, even if everybody was a bit flat for it being, well, Sunday, and before work. Nevertheless, it’s always nice to catch up outside of work like normal people.

And that was pretty much that. Really, after last weekend’s excitement, what did you expect? From now until The Trip, it’s gonna have to be head down and wallet locked away. No adventures except free adventures will be had. So there. Hope you’re all well up there! Sorry if I haven’t dropped a line. Been worried silly about finding a new job. Will email this week. Promise. Otherwise, time for you to plan your visit here for after I return in October! Hooray!



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