Well. Yep. Am late again. This is becoming a bad habit. And just think, am going to be late again this coming weekend..... Hmmmm. Apologies. I really do like checking in Sunday afternoon, it's become a nice weekend-closing ritual of sorts. Now, if I always had 3-day weekends, this late business probably wouldn't happen because I would have the Monday to run around...... Hmmm. Never mind - here I am!
So work. Yep. Is pretty good, more or less. Thing is, all good things must eventually come to an end, no matter how groovy the gig. Yes, my contract has been renewed for the last time, due to expire on

And then the weekend. Friday was actually quite a quiet and dull evening in. For once I didn't fall asleep on the couch in front of a good DVD and wake up at 2am

Then Saturday. I had every intention under the sun of job-hunting and applying...... Didn't even turn on the computer. Instead I cleaned and washed just about everything I could think of. By the time I was done with that, well, it was time to relax, have a beer, read, and then whoops! look at the time - dinner time! Sad when chores are more fun than job hunting.
And then Sunday. What an absolutely fantastic day that was. I met my friend Kim, who I used to
So yes. There you are. It was a really nice weekend after such a sadly stressful week. Always a bit dismayed to hear when my good gig comes to an end. I hope I can stay with where I'm at, tho perhaps a different department for necessity and variety's sake. Ahhh well.
And oh yeah! This coming weekend, hold yer horses and have a seat - am going on An Adventure! And I have to get on a plane to get there! Gasp! Shame I organized it before finding out about my gig, but there it is..... Anyways, am off to Townsville with Hasse (guy from work)! His brother, and, well, his whole family, are Danish (but moved here in the mid-80's) and every year his brother, who lives in Townsville, throws a "traditional" Danish Solstice/birthday party - marking what would be the height of lovely weather and the longest day in Denmark, so for here he throws a Solstice party
So there you have it. The good news and the bad news. Ehhh, what can I do but start looking for a new gig and make sure my camera has batteries and enough space on its memory card! And who knows, if Townsville knocks my socks off, we'll head up there when you get down here! Hooray for New Adventures!
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