Monday, June 08, 2009

A Birthday Gift from the Queen - 3-Day Weekend!


Well. Am late. Again. We have today off in honor of The Queen’s Birthday, even though her birthday is somewhere around the end of the month, never mind, it’s a 3-day weekend! Hooray! Which kind of explains why I’m late checking in – went out yesterday to run errands and well, didn’t get home until way late. But here I am!

So work. Yep. Is good. It’s kinda funny that I’ve managed to get quite a few little projects to the printing house, yet I still feel like the only project am working on is still The Big Project, my RoboHelp cd-rom thingy. Which, it turns out, not as many people are going to actually use it as I thought I understood. Sigh. Modern technology wins in the end, with perhaps a teeny bit of help from me. Eh, it’s been great to learn a new program, even if I can’t really use it for much. The IT guys at work told me not to worry, that our department had to spend the money (on the computer program) regardless, just to spend the money in order to get it back for the budget next financial year. So here was me worrying that we spent $1,400 on a computer program that turns out we use it for one project and it’s just ok. Well, goes to show worrying gets you nowhere! But speaking of worrying about going somewhere, my little contract is due to end at the end of this month, so I guess it’s time to start rattling boss’s cage and worrying maybe just a little…. Sad news, employee with nose out of joint is due to return, well, tomorrow (it’s been away doing another job for these last few blissful months). Sigh. Otherwise, work is good! Always happy to have a good and interesting gig! Fingers crossed!

And then the weekend. Started off lovely Friday evening with some of the folks from work and I going to the pub near work for a glass of wine or two, then we headed into my old ‘hood of Spring Hill to go to dinner at the St. Paul’s Tavern and to see some sort of comedy show. After two bottles of wine, we all decided we were having such a good time that we decided to give the comedy a miss (good thing we hadn’t bought tickets ahead of time!). Then we headed directly across the street to my old pub to see what’s happened since it’s finally been sold, refurbished and re-opened – it was nice! Kinda the same, but downstairs, in the basement, they set it up to be, well, another sort of club, except cool, laid-back and jazzy! Shame the guy who owned the place couldn’t be bothered before, cos how cool it would’ve been if I lived next door to that all this time! Neat! But we didn’t stay long, in fact we looked around, I marveled at how fantastic it looked and then we piled into a cab and made our ways home. Ahhhh, was a lovely evening.

Then Saturday. Was very good for once, and did alll the chores in one fell swoop. Lately I haven’t been bothered (I mean, the place is teeny and it’s not like Kona is the size and filth of a Saint Bernard, but at 15+ pounds, he's getting close). But busted them all out and now it’s happy and clean. Plus, the rain seems to have headed to New Zealand (where it rightfully belongs) and the weather has turned lovely and cool and DRY. Ahhhh, I can think when the humidity drops. Could be why I can get so much done. Weird. But good weird. And then the rest of the evening was quiet as I took 4 attempts to watch one movie (kept falling asleep), “Perfume: Story of a Murderer”. In the end the movie wasn’t all that great and it had a super weird ending. So if you’re into strange-ish, pseudo-European films, this one could be for you. Really good story, interesting idea. Way wacky ending. Like, way wacky. Way. I’m either getting old or my wacky sensibilities point in a different direction, but I just didn’t dig this one. Hmmm. And why yes, I did just so happen to go to film school!

And then yesterday, Sunday, was errands galore, including getting mah hair cut shortshortshort, not that it was all that long, but it sure felt that way. So yes, I buckled; I couldn’t grow my hair out. Not at this point in time anyways. I can’t help it, for some reason I just really love having my hair shortshortshort. Ahhhhhh! Tho, as punishment for snapping and not planning the cut ahead of time, I ended up going to one of those chop-shops in the mall, ehh, I kinda came away with a bit of a jail haircut, but eh, enough wax and goop and stuff, no one will ever be able to tell. And give it a week it’ll look fantastic! Hooray! And then met Hasse for a wander to South Bank to a reallyreally nice restaurant that I’ve been wanting to try out for a while called River Canteen (if you come down here on your visit, we’re so going). It was really good, if not slightly sparse yet artsy in the food-on-plate department, the food was fantastic and the views of the river just lovely, and the staff were in no means in a rush to get us in and out, there were tables there long before us who left minutes before we did, and we were there a fair while – so it was a most lovely, relaxed and lazy afternoon. Then we headed over to the Convention Center as Lifeline (charity organization) was having their yearly, massive book sale – where they literally fill half the convention center with used books, most of which are under a dollar, and the money goes to a good cause! I found manymany books I could’ve taken home, but too hard to carry that many books around on the bus! So I just settled for 2. Then we wandered into West End to see what interesting bars might be open on the Sunday before the Queen’s Birthday holiday (cos lots of places close) and come to discover the place was really buzzy busy! I don’t ever go down into West End, even tho it’s spitting distance to South Bank and crammed full of fantastic, little cafes and restaurants, I just never really get the urge to go down there for what ever reason . So we walked for a bit and settled on this cute little pokey bar called Sling that had a cocktail menu something along the lines of 70 pages…… I just stuck with good ol red wine. After a few glasses of that, we realized the place had really started to get bloody busy (our clue was that the bar-back kept smashing glasses the faster he tried to work, poor guy, and his boss (French guy) kept sighing and giving him looks), so we moseyed from there back into town where we had one last glass of cognac at the casino and watched the strange desperation of too many young college students try their luck. Where the hell they get that kind of money to just gamble away, I’ll never know. And that was the evening! Lovely!

And today, well, it’s been an easy, quiet day so far. Will get my stuff ready for tomorrow, maybe run up to the store, maybe a nap…. Ahhhh! Hooray for long weekends!

And that’s about that. Hope you’re all well up there… drop a line sometime… come down for a visit, the weather’s fine!



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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...