Monday, June 01, 2009

Trek to Golf


Well. Yes, am late, I spotted that too. But that's ok, here I am and it's not even noon yet! Weekend was nice, even if it ran a little late for a Sunday, a nice weekend was had by all. Well, I
had a nice weekend anyways….. Sorry for being late!

So work. Yep. Is good. Fine. Now that it's June we're in the home-stretch to the end of the financial year. Which means a few things - 1) My contract is up for hopeful extension (fingers crossed it's for 6 months and not the usual 3), 2) Tax return time - refund (uh, hopefully....?)! and 3) Everyone will be too stressed out fighting with budgets and stuff to notice that they've let a couple projects slip, but that's ok by me, I have plenty to keep me occupied. So there. Should be an interesting next few weeks! Otherwise, work is fine. I still quite like it regardless!

And then the weekend. Started off most excellently (is that a real word, or a
word that "Bill & Ted" made up?). Had a lovely "party" at work of wine and cheese and nibbles put on by the Director of our department. Then Dom and I headed over to the Victoria Park Golf Course to meet his friend Shawn for a round of (drinks) mini-golf (tee hee, the locals call it "putt-putt"). Man that was fun! Rain and all! Ha, the rain made it even more of a challenge just to walk from one hole to the next, carrying a cheap, little, plastic cup full of wine, on fake plastic grass, in shoes with positively no traction, in the rain! Points for not slipping over or spilling too much wine! And I have to say, that mini-golf course has to be one of the best I've ever seen. Really clever, tidy, and creatively laid-out. So if you come down here for a visit, whether you like mini-golf or not, we're going! Mini-golf and barefoot lawn bowls - my 2 new favorite past-times!

And Saturday. Yes, was a bit of a slow start, but still managed to get some chores done. I can’t say what else I did with the day besides laundry and chatting to my neighbour Daryl……. No naps were involved I am proud to report…….. Nope, can’t remember anything more exciting happening Saturday than laundry. Sadsadsad.

And then Sunday. Was up and out bright and early to meet The Usual Suspects (minus a couple) in town for breakfast. Always nice. Then 3 of us headed to the movies to go see the new “Star Trek” movie. Pretty good. Interesting take on the ‘beginning’ of the whole thing. I kinda liked it. It was quite good to see on the big screen that’s for sure. So if you like that kinda thing I highly recommend it! Then we wandered over to a pub for a couple glasses of wine when it all became too much excitement for Hasse and he headed home, whereas Sarah and I went for a wander around the Queen Street Mall and ended up in a little cafĂ© for a late lunch/early dinner and more wine. Lovely. Then she left to catch her train and I had a walk around my old ‘hood of Spring Hill. Man, I really miss my old apartment – tho not the rent!

And then by the time I got home it was dark! Silly winter. Hooray that the solstice is the 21st –
longer days again! ‘Course, every year I complain about the sun going down too early and waking up in the dark to go to work, but I haven’t forgotten it could be far worse! And that was pretty much the weekend! Hey, at least it wasn’t as dull as the last few weekends. But see what I mean about leaving the house costing money?! That’s ok tho, we’re on track for our trip savings and paying things off. Nearly there now, couple months to go! Yippie!

And that’s that. Hope you’re all well up there. Drop a line and let me know if anyone actually reads this thing!


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