Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Bank Told Me to Have a Quiet Weekend


Well. Here we are. Nice, very quick week. Now arriving at a rainy and cool Sunday evening. Suits me fine after all the stinky hot weeks that were summer! Week was good. Weekend was good. Ahhhhh, everyone is happy!

So work. Yep. Is good, if not slightly confusing at times as to who does what, when exactly. And that’s all I’ll say on the subject. Suffice to say I have never let go of the fact that I’m on a contract that could end either A) At the expiration date or B) Boss’s will (which is pretty much the same thing). Oh yeah. I’m meant to expire at the end of June. I optimistically organized (tho haven’t sent to HR) my renewal paperwork for either a 3 or 6 month extension. So we’ll get to the middle/end of June and see what shakes down….. Otherwise work is good, really!

And then the weekend. Was just fine. Try as I can, I cannot say it was exciting, no matter from which angle I look at it. The only thing lively about it was the schizophrenic weather – raining sideways one minute, lovely, calm and sunny the next. Made doing laundry and chores interesting. Yes, I’m afraid it’s savings lock-down mode. The Girls and I just paid off 3 of our domestic plane tickets in one shot, so all of our bank accounts are suffering slightly. Plus, I had to take the car in for its regular tune-up and oil change. $325 dollars later (needed a new battery, sigh)………….. Which means, for the most part, the bank says there really will be no fun having!

And today. Was mainly quiet (gasp!surprise!). Spent a good part of it organizing and detailing our trip plan. I know all this planning must seem a bit overboard (you haven’t seen my Trip Plan Spreadsheet), but when you’re showing two gals all over the US, who’ve never been, over 4 weeks, covering both coasts and a fair few places in between, flights, rental cars, hotels, etc, with that many details to keep track of, you’d fill out a spreadsheet too. So I did that today. Researched rental cars, hotels and their distances from stuff. Hard to believe it’s only like 3 months away! I must say, all this research and planning is kinda fun. Hooray!

And that’s that. Quiet but true. You want for things to liven up, then come on down! Yaahhooo!



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