Sunday, May 17, 2009

Paws in Weekend


Well. Here we are at the end of another week. Another short week I may add, but regardless, the
end always seems to come too soon. Ahhhh, never mind, it was a perfectly nice week followed by an even lovelier weekend. The lorikeets chattering away outside announcing the sunset is my hint to get started writing!

So work. Yep. Is good. My Big Project that got pushed up to be due in like a week, well, it's going fine. I showed the "draft" to the main "client" and overall he really like it....... "except, well, can it do this.......?". So it was back to the drawing board for a couple of fairly major adjustments. All I can say is I owe Hasse at least one case of really nice wine. The request that the "client" made, I thought was needing at least a few weeks to fix up, took all of ten minutes. It'll do for now. Next year, bells, whistles, the whole lot. As long as the client is happy, I'm happy! Hurrah! So yes, so far so good on the work-front! Whew!

And then the weekend. Started off kinda painful by taking the bus from work into town to run errands. Mistake on a Friday. Errand-in-town day is usually Thursdays but for some reason I thought I'd shake things up a bit by doing them on Friday. Guess it's been that long since I've taken the bus into town on a Friday evening. Plus there was a rugby game on at the Suncorp Stadium (near my house), so traffic was doubly-horrible. Put it this way, it took me over an hour and a half to get from work to town. Normally takes around 20 minutes. Traffic. Sigh. Nevertheless, got my errands run, and to treat myself for being so patient on the buses (cos bus to home from town took about 45 minutes instead of the usual 15, because of everyone walking into the game), I bought my first batch of Indian Takeout all by myself. Yeah. There's a reason why I don't ever buy Indian food on my own without having someone to help me decipher the menu. It was good (love naan bread) but the next day...oooooh, tummy doesn't agree with Indian food. It seemed like such a good idea at the time. Weird thing is I can eat really spicy Mexican and Thai food until the cows come home, but something about Indian food.......... Hmm.

And then Saturday. Was up and out bright and early to meet the girls for a morning Trip Planning
Session. And boy did we get lots done! Booked all of our domestic flights (except San Diego to Tucson cos we're not sure of the dates yet, depends on length of roadtrip), and booked most of our hotels except Vegas and LA - those'll be easy. Whew! And now that we have a good idea how much all this stuff costs, we can pay it off now and save the rest for partypartyparty! Ha, more like shopshopshop! Hard to believe it's only 3 months away. HOORAY!

And today was up and out bright and early to meet Jan and her family out in her neighborhood of Samford, which is about 40 minutes north-east of the City, not toooooo far from me, kinda. Very pretty, for the Million Paws Walk for the RSPCA. Oh it was really fun! All these dogs! Big ones, little ones, everywhere, all getting along! And supporting a good cause! Jan's mom had made the costumes for the 8 dogs in our group - Brisbane Lions football uniforms and cheerleader outfits! We won for Best Dressed! Hahahahaha! Oh it was fun. And I got to "borrow" a gal's dog while she ran the RSPCA merchandise table to take him on the walk! He was a lovely Golden Retriever named Danny. Funny thing is, she was from Northern California! I thought she sounded kinda familiar...... Ahhh it was a reallyreally nice day out. And really cool to meet Jan's mom and niece and god-daughter!

And that's about that. Soooooo nice to get out and about for once instead of keeping my head down saving money! Ahhh well, there's a great trip to be had for it! But until then, you should come visit!


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