Sunday, May 03, 2009

Field Trips with the Rent


Well. That was a fine week. Didn't seem to get much done, but I went to work for 5 days, from 7.30am til
4pm, so I must've done something to keep myself entertained that whole time. And then at home..... I know I didn't bother with tv at least one night..... Oh yeah. Week went by quite nicely, just like most weeks......!

So work. Yep. Is good. Semi-busy, in a very manageable way. Projects ticking along slowly but surely. If I can just put the cool RoboHelp project to bed (hopefully in the next month or so) then I can really get started on another, tho not as cool, project. Heck, they're all cool, but this RoboHelp has been the coolest so far! Annnnd then I get to go learn Flash level 2 (website animation kinda stuff) towards the end of the month! Yeeaaa for learning! So yes, work is good, ticking along quite nicely!

And then the weekend. Ahhhhhhhh, another 3 day weekend! This time it's because of Monday being Labor day - hooray! Tho I didn't know it was a long weekend until the Thursday before, too late to really plan anything major like going out of town. But, the little group of work folks and I have just managed to put together a little field trip for tomorrow - we're taking public transport (so no one gets caught drinking and driving) up to Sandgate (not too far north of the city, but by train it takes about an hour), where we're going to what's known as a pretty awesome pub called the Full Moon Hotel (never been there, have heard it's really good, am excited), plus it's right near the water so it should be really pretty. So we'll have lunch and then hopefully try to find a lawn bowls club - my absolute favorite weekend thing to do in this country! So that'll be a lovely way to spend Labor Day! That's if stuff is even open, owing to the holiday lots of stuff actually closes here. It should be interesting nonetheless!

Otherwise, yesterday was nice and productive in a very chore-like way. My neighbor has just got his lease renewal, he's been here 6 years and they've decided to raise his rent an extra $30 bucks a week. Highway robbery for this dump. So I brought my little laptop over to his little place (and I thought my place was crap) and helped him look for a new apartment. We found a couple but he'll have to go check them out. So if they raised his rent that much, I'm terrified to see what they do to me! I should be receiving my lease renewal soon too, since they're mailing them out like 2 months in advance. Weird. So who knows, I could be pulling up stakes again. Sigh. Someday I'll be able to stay in one place longer than a year.

And today was very quiet in a studious kinda way. Doing research for a new screenplay I'm developing. Should be good. Won't say any more as will jinx it. Suffice to say it's another sell-out Hollywood bit of semi-fluff. Hey, I don't care, just want the money, then I can be artsy. Yeah!

So there you have it. Am looking forward to tomorrow's field trip. Haven't been out on a field trip in ages. I should do this more often, I know. If it turns out to be quite good, well, when you come down I'll take you!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...