Sunday, April 26, 2009

Power Tools Get the Chores Done!


Well. That was a nice weekend, got much accomplished. And a pretty speedy week on top of it all too. Of cours
e it helps when the week is only 4 work-days long, but eh, at least it went fast!

So work. Yep. Is pretty good. Even though it went pretty fast, the week, I feel like it was one of those weeks where I didn't get a lot of workwork done. Meetings. I don't really like meetings. They're full of good intentions but it seems that 9 times outta 10 not much really comes of them. Weird. Otherwise, all's well on the work front. Just trying to keep my chin up and my projects speeding along to keep me in the good books come June 30th when my contract expires. Because of our new Premier(Governor)/change of Government, things always get a bit dicey with regards to us little folks - especially contractors like me. And the end of June is the end of the financial year, so there's another tenterhook. So oh yeah, come the end of June I'll be a right ball of worry! But, I can only dust off and fluff up my resume and hope for the best!

And then the weekend. Yes, I had Monday off to go have my Will drawn up and didn't I call it - I was outta there in half an hour, and that was with me asking questions! It was easy and pretty interesting. In the end I don't have much to worry about (stuff-wise or impending death-wise, as far as I know), so it's all pretty straightforward. Hard to nominate an Enduring Power of Attorney tho. What a thing to lump on someone. The vacancy still exists if anyone would like to apply!? And no, to answer your only question, I don't own a thing of value or have bank accounts hiding in Switzerland. If I did I wouldn't shop at Ikea.

So the weekend. Started off nice and a little early with motoring from work at 2pm. Turned out it was probably the most productive day of the whole weekend! Just got a lot of little things/chores done around the place. Cool. And Saturday was nice and quiet owing to Anzac Day. So I had a glass of wine to my Grandad!

And today. Eh, quiet too, got some chores done. Was hot. Thankfully
the humidity is down so it's easier to get stuff done. Did the usual chores and small home repairs - patched some little holes in the walls (not my fault, but will be blamed if the real estate agent notices, unlikely, but possible), moved the toilet roll holder from up by my head to near the toilet (I rock with my little Black & Decker cordless drill - never get a chance to use it!) and I finally started work on the travel brochure for me and the gals for our Big Trip. Looking pretty good - all one page of it! I hope to have something that not only has dates, hotels and stuff like rental car pick-ups, but helpful info for the gals to peruse about the different places we'll be going. Cool!

And that's about that! Again, another dull weekend, but welcome to my world of saving to go on a 4 week vacation in like 4 months (gasp!money!). So dull is the word until launch time! Hooray! So there you are - you have 4 months to get in while the weather's nice and, well, I can take like a few days off!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...