Well. Sunday evening. The sun is just starting to set, the lorikeets are warming up for their evening chat session, the neighbors have finally quit arguing, there're cool blues tunes on the little community radio station, got mah glass o' wine........ ahhhh! The best part about this whole weekend, and checking in this evening, is that there's one more bonus day to go! HOOOORAY! So it's not quite the end yet!
So work. Yep. Is really good. The thing about knowing I'm not worth the lofty job description (and
And then the lovely, long drawn-out weekend. Ahhhhhhhhhh. Have been busy! Well, around the house busy anyways. Friday started bright and way early to take Lauren to the airport (I get lost coming home every time. Going there I'm ok because they can direct me. Coming home is a whole different kettle of fish.) And then started in on the second coat of paint on the kitchen cabinets. Don't they look a lot nicer than scuffed-up lime green. Followed by a 2 & 1/2 hour nap. Guess I was tired.
And today. While I still have the kitchen to finish with painting the edges and the front door, I decided I could have the day off from painting. So I did some laundry and surfed a bit of the 'net until I managed to download a Trojan virus of some kind (that's the last time I try to download a song from that website). Well, it took that long to scan the poor little laptop and get the thing deleted..... So while that was happening I chatted on the phone to David. Man, sometimes I wish I could be home to take my friends out for a beer and a meal.
And now here we are! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. One more day of freedom to go! Hooray for religious holidays and Australians for going along with them!!! Will finish the painting tomorrow, hopefully. And then I think it could be time for a crap clean-out - gotta keep this teeny apartment streamlined and because I've discovered myself starting to store stuff under the bed and couch. That's bad.
So there you have it. Kinda dull, yet productive. I know you must ask
So I hope you're all well up there! You can come on down and visit and be minimally offended by my little apartment! But you still can't stay here - I just painted, didn't add another wing.
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