Monday, May 11, 2009

An Adventure without Bailey...


Well. First off - am sorry am late. I didn't do a single thing even remotely exciting over the weekend. But I knew I was having an adventure today, so I thought I'd wait...
.. And here we are!

So yep. Work. Is good. Had a day off today because I could. It's cool how the Government works with little scrubs like me - for every standard day of 7.15 hours you work, technically you earn 15 minutes towards a day off to be used any way you see fit. And you're supposed to stop accruing it at 22 hours (but, depending on how you play it, you can save up to at least 30+ hours, sweeeet). Well, because Qld Gov't employees are wussies with their sorry little standard 7.15 hours a day (they wouldn't last a week in New York City), I work about 8.5 hours a day, therefore I accrue these little gems faster than the average bear. It's EX-cellent if I do say so myself. Ahhhhhh, short weeks. So yes, had a well-earned day off. Otherwise work is good. The big project am working on has had its due date pushed forward about a month, so they want it in like 2 weeks. I'll have to save all my money to bribe the 2 super busy IT guys to help me with the final interweb touches and adjustments! Fingers and toes crossed that they can help and that it works!

And then the weekend. Started off reallyreally cool Friday evening. Went with Hasse (guy from work) to an art gallery show opening thingy. Friends of his own the gallery, and it was photography, so he thought I'd get a kick out of it. The photos, eh, I have some good stuff that I've done, and if I took Photoshop to some of them and blew them up and put them in fancy frames, they'd be just as good as this chick's. But what made the evening even more interesting was the fact that the Governor General of Qld was there! She's not much of a real, governmental decision-maker or anything political like that, she's basically good for - and this is my tourist understanding of an already strange system of Government - she's good for basically reporting back to the Queen what's happening in Australia. And she just so happens to like art. And she lives like a couple blocks from me in a huuuge mansion down the road! She was there for about an hour, chatted with the owners and the artist and anyone else who had something to say. I couldn't think of a thing to bother her about, so I drank another glass of champagne and thought of my first art gallery show opening for my photography. Hmph! Then we headed off for a lovely meal of Thai food, which, for some reason, if it's spicey and made with coconut milk, I eat it like someone at the next table, or someone even walking by, is gonna take it away from me. Wierd. I just really like Thai food... Then it was home and sleeeeeep. Can only handle so much excitement for what had been a school-day.

Otherwise, the weekend was Yawnsville, Australia. I couldn't even be bothered to do all my chores beyond laundry. Eh, the place is teeny, am only here to sleep, how dirty can it get. And really, vacumming this carpet, am not too sure it really matters (one good thing about this crappy place and its crappy carpet - the cat can throw up on it and all I have to do is just pick up the chunks and know not to step on that section for a few days. Cool).

But today - an adventure was had! Even if it was kinda small and short-lived. I took the day off and so did Lauren and Hasse - so we drove up to a lovely, quaint little town in the hinterland up north of Brisbane by about an hour and a half called Montville. Very cutesy, country, crafts, wind chimes, tourists with babies in strollers (including one on a leash - the kid, not a tourist, but the kid coulda been a tourist......). We wandered through pretty much most of the shops then finally had lunch at a pretty neat restaurant called the Poet's Cafe. Then we drove back into town to miss the evening rush hour. Even tho it was short, it was a really lovely way to spend a day off. Must do that more often.

And that's about that! It's tough going this saving money to go on vacation for 4+ weeks. Gahhhh, I sometimes lose my mind from boredom and too many naps some weekends. But, nevermind, will be there soon and it'll be fun! Hooray! So hurry, c'mon down - the weather's fine!

P.S. Tho some sad news - my pup in Tucson, Bailey, died over the weekend of some scary leukaemia. It was quick and kinda painful. Poor pup. Now he's up there with all the other good pups and cats have known over the years - Piper, Freddie, Muffy, Teddy, Grandma Kitty, Chelsea, Joey, Maddie, Geisha, countless goldfish, a couple of birds, numerous lizards, a few mice......... Here's to you Bailey!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...