Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cold for a Nice, Sunny Weekend


Well. Here it is. Sunday evening (on time – gasp!). What a lovely weekend this was, aside from the fact am kicking a cold, but I couldn’t have done it in better weather! But hey, check it out, stuffy head and runny nose aside – am checking in on time! Hooray for naps and Sudafed!

So. Work. Yep. It’s there, in Kedron. One big huge construction site every which way you look. I mean, in a way it’s kinda neat to be right in the middle of what is, apparently, one of Australia’s biggest transport development projects ever. It’s meant to connect the airport to, I dunno, more roads (could be a hint in the project title “BrisConnections” and “Airport Link Tunnel”, hmmm), plus they’re building a bus-way, plus they’re digging a massive great tunnel that dumps out right where I work. Soon it’ll be clover-leafs, ramps, stoplights as far as the eye can see. Would be kinda interesting to work under a massive overpass……… But, as far as my desk goes, yeah, it’s still there. Am trying to validate the need for my continued existence, but, we’ll see. I live in hope. Am also not silly and am looking for new work, painful process that it always is. Otherwise, all is well. I finally sent off my great big RoboHelp project to the printing house to be copied and distributed throughout Queensland. Coooool. Fingers crossed the masses can figure it out and understand it….! Am pretty proud of it, all things considered. Not so sure what to focus on next project-wise, seeing as my future is down to a mere handful of weeks….. There’s a huge manual that needs redoing urgently…….. I think I’ll start that tomorrow… Have to have something to do while am there besides look for work! Fingers crossed!!!!!

And then the weekend. Ahhhh the weather was simply beautiful. Warm, sunny, breezy, not too chilly, not too hot. Ahhhh. Lovely weather to sit on the couch and sniffle to while watching DVD’s. Perfect. In fact, the weekend started off a bit early, I had to take Friday off sick because this cold has been kicking my butt since Wednesday and I should have stayed home Thursday but nooo, am a tough chick. Not so Friday morning! It was all I could do to call work at a reasonable hour and not sleep through the morning, which I did after calling in. Only to get up, shower and set up shop on the couch for the rest of the day. I love my couch and my DVD player with its modern remote control, if only my TV had a remote too…..

And then Saturday. Up early from resting all day Friday, whereupon I got all the major chores done and then some! I did my taxes and am hopefully gonna get back like $600 of what they took! Cool! I also have my car listed for sale online and a guy called to ask about it, tho he never materialized, but it was enough to get me to vacuum it! All it really needs now is a good bath and wax (I can only get so much done in a day with a headachy snot-filled head). Oh yeah, and its smog check certificate thingy… Hmmm, will do that tomorrow…… Productive!

And then today – looovely day to relax. I must’ve overdone it with the chores yesterday because all I had the energy for today was reading and napping. But hey, as a result I feel lots better than I did Friday! I just hate being sick. What a waste of perfectly good time. It disrupts your sleep and ruins what could be a productive day. Tho in saying that, I still managed to get two loads of laundry done!

And that is my pathetic, yet productive, tissue-strewn weekend. It was nice not to run around and just lay sniffling on the couch, no demands. And to think, this coming week is only going to be 3 days long! Wwaaahhhoooo! Am taking Thursday and Friday off in honor of mah birthday! Yippie! So far, in light of the upcoming Adventure, it’s going to be a fairly low-key event – not much planned really, going to see the new Harry Potter movie (hey, I don’t care, I like the Harry Potter movies; it’s become a mini-birthday event… bummer when they end tho…) with a couple folks from work and then a few of us are going out to dinner at Gambaro’s – a swish seafood restaurant at the other end of my ‘hood; it’s meant to be the best in town, so we shall see! And that’s it. Quiet. Am saving up for mah trip home!

So there you are. Was nice, yet quiet, yet productive in the chores category. I hope you’re all well up there! Say, if you have any hints for things for me to show a coupla tourists, lemme know!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...