Monday, July 13, 2009

New 'Burbs with New HairCuts


Well. Yes, late again. Becoming a bad habit. But I do have good enough reason for this time too…. Laundry……?! Honest! But yes, am here, thumping headache and all, tho I must say, every minute that passes since arriving home from work I feel better and better… but then, maybe that’s the wine….. hmmm. So here I am – ready to report for, uh, reporting duty!

So work. Yep. Is actually quite good. Because my contract looks like it really is gonna end, my Boss has been giving other people my work, in addition to going to other people for things, which most certainly lightens up my workload considerably, thus leaving me all the time in the world to really finally finish my Big Project. Oh and look for jobs too. Sigh. Queensland government job applications, they suck. So much blahblahblah just to apply for a job. I’d put the whole horrible process right out of my head all this time. But, if a gal wants to get anywhere in this world, it has to be done. Got one application in today – excellent feeling of accomplishment there, even tho it wasn’t due until next Monday. Got another 2 to submit – after the 20 page work biography that they like to require. So yes, work is pretty good thus far! Still tho, quite sad to leave this gig… Oh well, change is good and inevitable!

And then the weekend. Started off as it so often does with drinks at the pub with a couple of nice work folks. Home at a respectable hour as had to get up early Saturday to get mah hair cut. Hooray for short hair and needing to get it cut every 6 or so weeks!

So yes, Saturday, was up early to catch the buses out to Springwood, which is a ‘burb about 20 minutes south of me, it’s actually the neighborhood that Ikea lives in! Hooray! But, I was really good and resisted that Swedish siren song, which could be one reason I forced myself to take the bus. So yes, got mah hair cut (looks groovy and short, tho apologies for goofy picture - was squinting into the sun while passers-by stared at me - wierd that they do that when someone is having their picture taken) and then ran a couple errands then it was time for home to get ready to go up to Strathpine for a sleep-over at my Kiwi friend Kim’s house! Strathpine is a ‘burb about ½ an hour north of me by train, a funny kinda ‘burb in that 80% of it is industrial and warehouses, the other 20% and growing is housing estates – gated communities, etc. Which is what she lives in and what I now dream of living in. Man. Her place is modern, solid and you can’t hear the neighbors or anything, unlike my place where I can hear my neighbors do everything from fight to fart. Her place is 3 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms (with a real bathtub), a garage, a little back yard and a normal kitchen. Basically, her place is everything mine isn’t. The only bummer is it seems so far out in the land of the ‘burbs…. But everyone tells me it’s not that bad of a commute…. I tell you what, am tempted…….. So we got pizzas, gossiped and watch James Bond “Casino Royale”. We had a most excellent evening.

Then it was Sunday. Took our time, had breakfast, then a wander around her complex, which only solidified my desire to live there (4 swimming pools, 2 tennis courts, I don’t play tennis but I’d certainly reconsider it). Then we piled into her new little car and took a drive up to Redcliffe (near where the Bee Gees come from!) for a look around and lunch by the sea. It was just lovely. The weather was glorious, sunny and warm for being mid-winter (take that NYC!), our sandwiches were perfect, and we even picked up a package of cookies imported straight from New Zealand! Was such a lovely day. Tho next thing I noticed it was after 3pm and I had to catch the train home to my 3 loads of dirty laundry that had to be done before today…..! So, and this is where late excuse #267 comes into play, got home around 5, quickly threw the mountain of laundry together, made dinner, babysat the clothes dryer (because it stops every 5 minutes and needs a push-start to go again) and next thing I knew, it was 9.30pm, showertime, then bedtime. Whew.

So yes. The weekend simply flew by and now I need a weekend to relax. So that is why am late checking in – I was busy, well, being busy! But today was another beautiful and warm day, the laundry is all dried and put away, work is done for another Monday, got my glass of wine, life is good. So I hope you’re all well up there! Apologies for not sending emails. Am going to make a real effort this week (since I seem to have a cleaner desk at work now……)!



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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...