Sunday, March 01, 2009

1st Day of Autumn - 93 Degrees with 65% Humidty


Well. I’ve decided I’m gonna quit commenting about how fast the weeks and the weekends go because anymore they always go so quickly. And the heat and humidity. Even if today is the first day of Autumn and it’s currently 95 out there, well, inside it is anyways…. So, there!

So work. Yep. Is good. Bloody busy. Getting to be hard to decide which project to tackle first, they’re all interesting and easy. Am teaching myself (with a bit of help from our two very smart, very patient IT guys from my department) a new Adobe program called RoboHelp. It’s basically web publishing software…. I can’t really explain it, must go to the website and see what they say… But am using it on one of my projects. It’s interesting and at first looked kinda scary but once you get in it’s actually pretty easy and straight-forward. Cooool. I love learning new software, especially on my own and not in a class! Otherwise, work is good. Still no word about my extension, but I live in hope. I hope to get at least another 3 month pass….!? Y’know, if they do extend me, come the 1st of May I’ll have been with the fire service for 2 whole years – almost a record after Centennial Hall! Hooray! But I gotta get to May 1st first! Hahahaha!

And then the weekend…. Oh, wait, casting back to Tuesday, I regretfully dropped the Wee Scooter off at the Yamaha dealer for them to try and sell for me. Sigh. I was very sad. And of course the scooter was running beautifully. But after having my little for sale ads up (at work and at the grocery store up the road here) for a month and a half with only one slightly interested nibble, I had to leave it all in the hands of the professionals. I could’ve dropped the price, but again, will leave that to the pros. They know what the market’s doing. Poor scooter. I just wasn’t riding it nearly as much as I should and hopefully some bored housewife out in the ‘burbs will take it for spins to the corner store or the library………! Awwww. I miss my little scooter. It became a bit of a driveway ornament!

So the weekend. Dullsville Australia. Yesterday I did laundry while working on a last-minute project for work, which, I know, totally violates Work Rule #2 – Never Bring Work Home, but when the Director of my department dropped it on my desk Friday afternoon and asked if I could doctor up a PowerPoint presentation for him for Monday afternoon, what other response could I give???! And because I have mad skillz, and really, you can’t say no to the Director, I said yes, of course! So brought it home and after about 4 & ½ hours of tinkering, I think it looks fine! Will get it to him tomorrow with fingers crossed he likes it and doesn’t want something totally different (eeeeek)!? It’s kinda funny, after messing with some of the groovy desktop publishing software that I have, PowerPoint is pretty basic stuff. I can’t believe with all the fantastic software out there in this and age that people still waste their time with PowerPoint! But, I understand, not everyone can have self-taught mad skillz! Ha!

And today. Had the energy for nothing more than surfing the ‘net with my awesome Broadband wireless thingy, watching a DVD and staying in front of a fan with a spray mister at all times. Stupid Tropics. It was 90 at about 11am, got up to at least 96 with what feels like 90% humidity. I considered going to a mall or the movies but shot that idea down as it required leaving the house and that inevitably, always costs money, no matter what; especially in light of the fact that the bank account is in Savings Lockdown mode. And besides, I’d have to leave the a/c at some point and come home to this oven, so might as well acclimate. Sigh. First day of Autumn. Cooler weather has to be close……. It just has to be. Unless global warming really has kicked in and it’ll be like this forever. If that’s the case, maybe I will move to NYC again! No, wait, the summer’s were just as bad there too…. Alaska!

And that’s about that. Am starting a list of things to do with the Gals on our trip around the US. We don’t have a lot of time in each place except for NYC so we have to really keep it to the important stuff. Well, whatever they want to do we’ll do in the time we can! Oh I can’t wait. They’re gonna have the best time! I hope! I can’t wait for Mexican food and to see NYC again. And my pups. And my friends. Oh yeah, and family…….!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, after this trip, I really hope the airlines keep their prices down. When I moved here I made a promise to myself that I’d go home at least once a year, but the stupid airlines got greedy and I was trapped here. As much as I miss things from the States, I don’t miss them enough to have spent $3,000 to come see them! So now that tickets are less than half the previous prices at the moment, let’s hope they stay that way. Hooray for Richard Branson and competition! So you should take advantage too and come down here for a visit! Come on – it’ll be fun! And cheap!



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