Sunday, March 08, 2009

1 Order of the Usual Weekend - Comin' Right Up!


Well. Here we are yet again, at the end of another week and weekend, much like every other week and weekend. The week was busy, fast and stupid hot and humid. So much
for Autumn. I wonder if this means we're in for a freezing cold winter......? Hmmm.

So work. Ye
p. Is quite good. Busy. Am kinda getting to the point where I'm having to say no to little teeny things. I don't like saying no, especially to little teeny things 'cos they're the quick and easy ones to knock out, plus I hate letting people down. But holy moley, am just one girl! Now if I had an assistant...... yes, eh-hem, yes work is good. Tho, and you could see this coming a mile away, am starting to get just a leetle nervous about the 31st - D-Day for little me and my little contract. I know, one way to make myself feel just a little better will be for me to write up my extension (as I have pretty much over the year & 1/2 since I got there), I'll do it in 3, 6 and optimistically 12 month extensions and see which one The Boss likes. I live in hope. Which is another reason why I dislike saying no to any projects, especially little teeny ones, because I want work so I can stay forever!!!! Well, you know how I mean. I'm afraid I'll say no to the wrong little project and poof! that's my contract in the trash! Nonono, I'm melodramatic. Either way, work is good and busy and fingers crossed I get to stay!

And then the weekend. Started out Friday evening with drinks and dinner with Cindy and a c
ouple of her best friends. Was very nice. Very cool gals. Hardly get to see them as they have more of a life than I do. 'Course, they're not saving up to go away for 4+ weeks to a country where our dollar is almost half the value. Hmm. But yes, Friday was lovely, always good to catch up with those gals!

Saturday, well, hot, humid and tired from the week. Need I say more? I love my couch and fan. And
my James Bond books (note to reading audience: Penguin publishes the whole series (14 or so) in a waaaaaay cool retro paperback 60's cover style - in a box set. Christmas, Birthday, am just sayin'..........). Although I did actually start to get some finer points together for planning our trip - gee it's expensive to get into Disneyland these days. Almost just as much to stay in a hotel right across the street! And who knew it was $20 bucks to get in to look at the Grand Canyon (I think I did but forgot)? So yes, starting to put together costings. Am most reluctant to convert US to Australian dollars at the moment. I did for our hotel for our week in NYC. Yeah. I had to lie down for a minute to recover. We'll just basically have to double everything (then split it 3 ways). I can't wait!

And today, was a good girl and scrubbed the crummy little apartment as best I could. Heat and humid and all. Laundry is out on the line soaking up the last rays of the sun... Ahhhh yes, a productive day was had. More or less. Next - a glass of wine, DVD, news and bed. Sigh. It's hard, lonely work saving money to go away! I can't wait!

So there you have it. I really am sorry my little updates aren't more exciting. I mean, do you really want to know that my 6 month
$360+ car registration is due before the 23rd if I pay early?? Or that I have to renew my PO Box before the 31st at a cost of $75? Yeah, didn't think so. Trust me, if I wasn't going away........... I can't wait!

P.S. If you hear anything about a big, mean and nasty category 4 cyclone named Hamish ( - it's up north of Brisbane by about 10+ hours, with the closest it's predicted to get is about 3 hours north of here. All we're supposed to get down here is some rain. Fingers crossed it trots its bad self right back out to sea where it came from. Poor Queensland doesn't need any more grief, no matter how much we need the rain!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...