Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekend with Theatrics


Well. That was a nice week. The weather has settled down, it even rained a little bit, the week was a day short, and I actually got some work done. Ahhhhhhh. Here’s hoping this coming week is just as nice!

So work. Yep. Is quite good. I wrote my job description and had to have it evaluated by HR. I wrote it to be at least a pay level or two higher than what I’m at now, and have been busting my backside to aspire to. Yeah. HR said no to pay raise. They want to keep my job and alllllll it’s little duties at the same pay rate. So I’ll be deleting a few of those “duties”. No pay – no play! Simple as that. Now don’t get me wrong, I still reallyreally like my job, this evaluation just reminds me not to knock myself out. There is a job in my office that’s a level below mine so I think I’ll be handing a couple things over……….. See the Government only sees you as a pay level, AO4.2 is what I’m currently at. AO means Administration Officer, pay level 4 (out of like 8), tier 2 (out of 4), just to keep it all straightforward (not!). They don’t actually pay you on performance or skill. You can have AO2’s and 3’s doing the work of 4’s and 5’s, they don’t care, they get something for nothing because it’s not performance-based pay. It sucks but that’s how it is. The Catch 22 of it all is The Government pays about 10% or more than the private sector, yet you have more at stake and more to earn in private sector. Like if you’re a lazy loser in private industry, out you go. Whereas in Government it doesn’t matter, they have a job for life cos The Government can’t get rid of them. Government here is just weird. And sad. Because you can have some stellar people working as 2’s in Government yet they’re not promoted or rewarded. It’s weird. Yet, after all this, at the end of the day, I don’t actually own my job. Well, not yet anyways. Oh yeah, with muchmuchmuch relief, my “contract” got renewed until the end of June. Whew! The Powers That Be seem to think that in these next 3 months something will be done to make my job permanent (or, rather, make it available for people, including me, to apply for it). So, long story short, I still have a job (until the end of June) and am still really quite liking it! Whew!

And then the weekend. Friday started it all off in a very interesting and slightly cultural way. Started off with drinks after work with a couple folks from work (always nice). Then Dom and I headed into town to see “The Hypochondriac” by Moliere. All done by students from Queensland University of Technology. The first act was just OK. The second act went from bad to terrible, with no idea how it actually ended as we walked out. Now, I come from this type of theatrical background. From High School, to University and ending in a film & TV degree, theatre is something am familiar with, have worked in for years, and have a tolerance and understanding for. This particular production tho, no. It was terrible. It basically turned into some weird ass-kissing extravaganza by the poor students to their professors in order to score a production grade. We felt really bad for them. To the point we’re seriously considering writing a letter to said faculty and professors giving them what for. I know for a fact that our opinion won’t amount to a hill of beans, but someone has to take responsibility for the train wreck that was that play and the humiliation those poor students had to endure. Gaaahhhh!

Otherwise the weekend was good. Quiet. Saturday was…. What was Saturday…… laundry….. reading….. hot and humid….. Oh yeah. Was supposed to go to a concert. I had bought tickets for myself and two friends to go see one of my favorite bands ever, The Church, play a gig here in town. Been looking forward to it for weeks. It got canceled Thursday afternoon. These guys are rock stars for cryin’ out loud! Ex-heroin and who knows what else addicts! They don’t cancel gigs! Turns out it was due to an irregular heart beat of the lead singer. Landed himself in the hospital for a couple days’ observation. That’s ok then.

And today. Ahhhhh, very productive, very busy. The Girls and I had another planning session for our trip to the States. Getting closer to narrowing down the exact dates and where we’ll be, when, etc. Shopped for hotels in San Francisco. Eeesshh SF is expensive. So if anyone has any suggestions for nice yet cheap hotels in SF do let me know! Heh, we’re thinking of staying at either the Bellagio or the MGM Grand when we get to Vegas for our 2 days’ rest break. We’re gonna gauge it on who has the best pool as that’s where we plan on spending all our time. Nice. Otherwise the planning is going well. Fingers crossed the actual trip goes just as smoothly! We’re all reallyreallyreally looking forward to it. Can’t wait. I’m really excited that I get to see and do stuff that I’ve never done but always wanted to! Yippie!

And that’s about that. Trying to save money…. It’s hard when I really try, when I don’t try, I can. Must win lottery…. ‘course, I’d have better chances of winning if I actually played. Thing is I can’t validate throwing $10 bucks away once a week – save it! So yes, if anyone has a suggestion of a decent, safe, hotel in San Francisco, pass it on. Otherwise, hope you’re all well up there!



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