Well. Sorry for the time-delay....... I started to write earlier on in the afternoon yesterday, which can't have been a good idea with how hot it was. So I took a break and had a nap. 3 hours later it was dark and nearly bedtime. So, ok, sure, I could've continued on because I was awake for hours into the evening, but whether or not it was going to make any sense.........? So yes. No more naps that close to the evening! Right. Lesson learned.
Anyways, here we are now, Monday evening, chores have all been done, lunch sort of ready for tomorrow, clothes all set out for tomorrow... Yeah, so much for the weekend. Too fast! But hey, just imagine a week with no weekend (and I've had them) - a fast weekend is much better than no weekend. Yeeaaaa!
So work. Yep. Is really good. Bloody busy, but that's good. No word yet if I'll be extended come
Then the weekend. Yep. Was lovely, if not too hot and humid, as are all weekends anymore. Where the heck is Autumn already????!!! I just want one weekend, one day, a few hours where when I do my chores or run errands I don't have to take yet another shower. Yes, I've sweated out the toxins and fair bit more I imagine, but man, with the heat and humidity already. It's been, what, at least 3 months of it already - enough! Stupid Southern Hemispherical tropics.
Anyways, Saturday was very good, very productive. The Wee
And Sunday... chores. The usual. Hot, humid, gross, yet the house,
And then today, Monday, went by really fast. It
So there you are. Much the same as always. Are you sure you don't find this all painfully dull? You have to tell me. I write this stuff but for all I know you just flip to Google and look up "underwater basket weaving"...... Well, either way, hope you're all well up there. I gotta say, I can't wait for my 4 & 1/2 weeks this September!
P.S. This just in - Autumn supposed to arrive this weekend. Temperatures supposed to rise. A girl just can't win. Stupid global warming.
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