Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hot + Couch = Nap


Well. Sorry for the time-delay....... I started to write earlier on in the afternoon yesterday, which can't have been a good idea with how hot it was. So I took a break and had a nap. 3 hours later it was dark and nearly bedtime. So, ok, sure, I could've continued on because I was awake for hours into the evening, but whether or not it was going to make any sense.........? S
o yes. No more naps that close to the evening! Right. Lesson learned.

Anyways, here we are now, Monday evening, chores have all been done, lunch sort of ready for tomorrow, clothes all set out for tomorrow... Yeah, so much for the weekend. Too fast! But hey, just imagine a week with no weekend (and I've had them) - a fast weekend is much better than no weekend. Yeeaaaa!

So work. Yep. Is really good. Bloody busy, but that's good. No word yet if I'll be extended come March 31st (yes it's early panic mode setting in).... I live in hope. Otherwise things are much the same. Funny, we're only 2 months into the New Year and already people are "stressed out". Hmmm. I try not to let the whole 'lots of stuff to be done at work' get me down or stressed out - no point really. Which reminds me, I kept remembering then forgetting to bring my camera to document the massive building site my work has become..... Tomorrow...... Hee, Friday afternoon a big storm rolled in, lightning and everything, yet those construction boys were out there clinging to their giant metal pillars as they stood ankle deep in muddy puddles. Ahhh, the bolt never came. Aren't they brave.

Then the weekend. Yep. Was lovely, if not too hot and humid, as are all weekends anymore. Where the heck is Autumn already????!!! I just want one weekend, one day, a few hours where when I do my chores or run errands I don't have to take yet another shower. Y
es, I've sweated out the toxins and fair bit more I imagine, but man, with the heat and humidity already. It's been, what, at least 3 months of it already - enough! Stupid Southern Hemispherical tropics.

Anyways, Saturday was very good, very productive. The Wee Scooter was very happy in that I gave it a bath and took it for a great long ride around town. Went to all kinds of places I haven't been in ages - Morningside, Southbank, work, Spring Hill...... It was so much fun that I have half a mind not to sell it.....! I did have one nibble on the sale hook on Friday but by Saturday, after I'd given the enquirer all the info they wanted, they were no longer all that interested.... Eh, their loss. Such a good little scooter. If I didn't work so far away and own a big car (anyone wanna buy a car....?)....!

And Sunday... chores. The usual. Hot, humid, gross, yet the house, clothes, bathroom, etc are all clean and happy. Thing is, I started at 8am and didn't sit down until 3pm. That's devotion if I ever saw it. Which probably explains why when I finally sat down, I had to have a nap. I was beat. I blame my comfy couch and quiet fan. Or, the stupid heat and humidity. I can handle the hot but not the humid. Yeahyeahyeah, you've heard it all before. I really want this summer to end. Really.

And then today, Monday, went by really fast. It was actually kinda unbelieveable how fast today went. Guess I was that busy at work. I like that. Tho I must admit I did two things - 1) kinda looked for an apartment in NYC (operative word/s - "kinda looked") and 2) scoped out what was happening at the Oscars (hoooooooorraaaay for "Slumdog Millionaire"!!!). From lovely, peaceful, sunny and fun Australia, the thought of living back in NYC sounds kinda fun. We'll see what kind of tune I'm singing after a week back there in September. Even Lauren is kicking around coming with me for a year. I could probably only stand a year back there. Not anytime soon tho, mind you. Just an idea for a bit down the track. I did reallyreally like NYC, it was the winters that got to me. Hmmm.

So there you are. Much the same as always. Are you sure you don't find this all painfully dull? You have to tell me. I write this stuff but for all I know you just flip to Google and look up "underwater basket weaving"...... Well, either way, hope you're all well up there. I gotta say, I can't wait for my 4 & 1/2 weeks this September!


P.S. This just in - Autumn supposed to arrive this weekend. Temperatures supposed to rise. A girl just can't win. Stupid global warming.

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