Monday, February 09, 2009

A Rootbeer Float Can Cure Just About Anything


Well. That was one week I am SO happy that went by fast. So happy it went by fast that to celebrate I’m taking Monday (today) off, just cos I can. 3-day weekend – HOORAY! But apologies for being late. Technically I'm not, but ac
cording to Optus (my new little pre-paid wireless broadband experiment) I am. I couldn't get the little devil to work last night. Plug it in today and wooooosh! Here I am. I keep waiting for it to cut out tho...... But never mind - so far so good - here we are!

So work. Work, as in work, is really good. Love it. Work as in the place with people, yeah. Well. For some people Rome most certainly wasn’t built in a day. Ain’t it the truth. And some things you just can’t teach kids in school. Sigh. Otherwise, 95% of people are fine by me. Yep, there’s always that muddy 5%........ Can’t say with any certainty if I’ll be extended come March 31st (yes, the nervous waiting game starts about now). Of course I hope and plead that I do, but my fate is in the hands of, well, my boss. I live in eternal hope. Perhaps I should dust off the ol’ resume, just in case….. sigh.

And then the weekend. Started off very nicely with some civilized drinks after work with some very civilized work folk. Always nice to have a table of 50 conversations going at once and magically none of them are about work. I love that the folks I work with, we can go outside of work (inside too, come to think of it) and talk about everything but. Fantastic. And then Saturday, nothing. I think I sat on the couch reading my book and watching old movies all day. I’ll tell you what – I needed it after this week.

And then Sunday, errands and one chore (laundry – it’s far too hot and humid to do anything foolish
like vacuum or mop. Am not that dirty or devoted to cleaning). The result of which, not only do I have summer-fresh sheets, but I now come to you live from Brisbane via Optus Pre-paid Wireless Broadband!!!!!!!!! I’ve been meaning to become just that much more modern so I broke down today/yesterday and bought one and here I am....!!!!! Turns out, this past Thursday my land-line decided it had had enough of serving me, so it, well, isn’t now. Have logged it with my phone company’s faults department, but knowing my phone company, even tho they say it’ll be fixed by Monday, ehhhhhh, I don’t trust them one bit. And being the modern sort of gal that I almost am, I decided enough was enough! I will no longer be held to ransom by my phone company (-shaking fist in air rebelliously-)! Even tho, heh, the wireless pre-paid broadband thingy I bought is with my phone company; Coincidence that they seemed to have the best deal going out of all 5 of them. So. We’ll just have to see how it all works in the end………

And that’s about that. Nice and quiet. I would say I was saving money, but, like I’ve said before, the minute I leave the house my bank account starts to drain somehow. But, this pre-paid broadband lark should be means to an end – the end of my phone company!!!!! Yeah, kinda sad that something like that is the bright spark in my weekend, I know, but there it is. Maybe tomorrow, in light of the fact that it’s supposed to be 95 with at least 90% humidity, I’ll go someplace with a/c…. kind of an adventure…… Hmmmmm, all I know is I have tomorrow off and I can do what I like! Yaaahhooooo! Short work week!!!!!!!!


P.S. Seeing as I was delayed a day by modern technology, can I just say I just cleaned the whole little apartment today in what certainly feels like 100 degree heat with 90% humidity. Turns out I am that devoted to cleaning - and sweating out those toxins! Waahhooo! Time for a A&W Rootbeer float!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...