Well. That week was almost kinda painful. I knew it was going to be that kind of week, which was why I took Monday off as a sick day. Couldn't bear it. And yet the week still dragged. Hmmm. Guess you get those now and then. Plus, it rained nearly every day, which was good, and now we're into spring!
So work. Yep. Is going well minus the co-worker with the nose out of joint. Someday they'll just have to grow up and get over it all already. But, I'm doing a fine job, I reallyreally like my job and everyone I work with (well, 99.1% of them). So there! Am almost finished with the project have been working on so will be pretty happy when that goes to the printing house and even happier after it's been distributed! And then it's onto one of the next 20 other 'projects' on my growing list! Hooray!
And then there was the weekend. Friday I met Cindy and Janette for a couple glasses of wine and some really damn good Chinese
And then today Natasha and I ran around Stones Corner (little 'burb with a strip of discount retail shops, like Colorado, etc) spending money like we've inherited it. I bought some sandals, pyjamas, and two pairs of jeans. Which is kinda dumb considering that summer will be here in like
Oh, I forgot to mention last time why it took me so long to get back on the air. Optus, my phone company. Need I say more? They're all the bloody same no matter what part of the world you're in. So yeah. That's what took so long. Don't ask.
So there you go. Everything else is fine. The little scooter, the rare
And that's that! Hope you're all well up there. Now that I have my internet connection back, and seeing as I have no time during the day at work, I must catch up on the emails. Sorry for the delay! But keep dropping those lines, it's always really good to hear(!) familiar voices!
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