Sunday, September 14, 2008

Accessorizing Points


Well. That week was a good week. Started out kinda ehhh, but it picked up steam and next thing it was finished! The weekend went just as fast. Am convinced that it’s all proportionate – the faster the week, the weekend will pass equally, if not faster. Hmm. I got my degree in film production tho, not physics.

So work. Yep. Is really good. Busy and getting busier. I’m just about finished with the bloody never-ending booklet. I had a BIG Meeting with the Commissioner of the Queensland Fire & Rescue Service (ultimately everyone’s boss in the Fire Service) about said booklet. Because it’s one of his babies, he likes to know what’s happening with it, no matter how minor. So my boss’s boss and I met with him for about half an hour (I clocked us in at 20 minutes!), where I went over with him the things I’ve changed etc. He seemed pretty happy with it all. And I was happy to have aced such an important meeting basically on my own! Waaaahhooooo! Points for Jenn in the Corporate High Flyer Recognition Department! And bonus, had a quick meeting on my own with him the next morning as he had just a couple questions about some of the stats that were a bit erroneous in the booklet. That went for about 15 minutes. Excellent. So yes, the work week was a huge success if I do say so myself!

And the weekend. Friday was very nice. Met the folks I work with for a very good meal at Tiramisu (a very excellent Italian restaurant right near my house) and then we wandered down to The Lark for some fancy pants cocktails and nice wines. Ahhhhh, it was lovely. It was after that I should have stumbled home but nooooo, in keeping with the mood we all continued on to the Paddo for another glass of wine. 2am later finally saw me stumble home. So yes, Saturday was a bit of a write-off (I like to call it a Day of Rest & Recuperation), but I really was beat from the crazy busy week at work too. It was actually really nice to just sit around, reading and napping for the day. I was meant to go to the pub with Natasha & friends to watch the All Black’s vs. the Wallabies rugby game, but I honestly couldn’t haul my butt off the couch. And then I promptly fell asleep in front of a Nick Cave documentary that I really wanted to watch. Hmmm. So yeah, Saturday, was a little too relaxing.

And today. Whew! Chores and errands on steroids! Man, by 9am I had the

laundry washed and out on the line drying. Headed to the bus to Indooroopilly Mall to pick up a couple things at shops you can’t find in town. Then back home to hit the grocery store, put away laundry and more chores. Making up for yesterday’s slackness I suppose. But y’wanna know the cool thing? Because am nearly out of debt ($1,700+ away!), I can buy stupid little things like necklaces and earrings at accessories shops and get pedicures. That’s a nice feeling. I know, I need to be saving for An Adventure, but I have a problem walking past accessory shops. Must cross to the other side of the lane I suppose.

And that’s about that! Spring is now in full swing, the temperatures are getting up there, the skies are blue, planes still fly here and so should you! Hahahahaha! Am a poet! But really, if you can, get your butt down here before summer kicks in.



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