Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hanging with Errands


Well. That week went by fast. They all seem to, really. Maybe it’s me getting old; maybe it’s that I’m busy at work. Dunno. All I know they all start painfully slow and then magically it’s Friday, then Sunday. Hmmm. Good thing I like my job otherwise it would all be so much more painful (and the weekends would go faster).

So work. Yep. Is good. Busy. Since I finished the big project I was working on, yet also working on lots of little ones, I seem to get nothing done. Lots of interruptions, which are all fine, I don’t mind in the least, but I don’t seem to be finishing one thing beginning to end, I seem to be getting stuff done in little chunks. It’s weird. But I don’t mind, so far as I know, am still doing a great job. And that’s all that matters, especially in light of the fact that my contract is due to expire at the end of December. Sigh. Some day I won’t have to worry about expiring. Well, my job anyways.

And then the weekend. Friday evening started at the pub across from work to send off our consultants (one of whom I went with on the wine tour of Stanthorpe last year, the tour I was so looking forward to and yet was deathly ill the whole time). Then I was off to Southbank and the Plough Inn for Linus’ birthday drinks. Was a good girl and kept to just two drinks as had to be up early for my haircut. But man, I’ll tell you, I was beat. Can’t even stay out standing around chatting anymore cos I pay for it the next day by being so tired! Well, in all fairness, it’s hard to go out for too long on a Friday anyways after a long week at work. Yeah. That’s my excuse.

So yeah, Saturday was my haircut, then zipped over to Ikea for a couple things (just enough to be able to haul it back on the bus), Natasha met me at the haircut, then more errand running and then home. Man, I left the house at 8 and didn’t get home until 4.30pm. Spending money along the way like I have it just lying around. But anymore, I just can’t be that close to Ikea (ten minute drive in a $12 cab) and not go. Sad really. But it was a great day, errands were run, hangars were bought.

And today was laundry and more errands (yes, as a matter of fact I do need a cedar wood shower “mat”). Am now just waiting for the dryer to finish. And just think, one more load to go, but will do that tomorrow… on my Day Off! Hooray! I don’t have to go to work tomorrow! I had too much earned time on my timesheet (you’re allowed 22 hours or so) and if you don’t use them, you actually do lose them. So am having tomorrow off. Not sure what else to do besides laundry…. I spent any money I thought I had….. But ahhhhh I can sleep in and read! Besides, it’s supposed to be like 30 degrees (which translates to around 87, 88 ish), so how much could I possibly have the energy to do??? Man, it’s gonna be a tough summer if it’s starting this early. Good old global warming.

And that’s about it. Am getting so much closer to paying off all my hard earned debt. So when I finally finish with that, I’ll have some champagne for one thing, but will start saving for Real Adventures and get this party started already. I know I bag this dump of an apartment, but man, it’s been worth it to have been able to pay everything off. Awesome!

So there you go. Hope you’re all well up there. Unless you like gross humid and hot, I don’t recommend coming down here until at least March. I think I mentioned that last week, but, well, yeah. Just come down here anyways, either way it’ll be fun!



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