Sunday, October 05, 2008

Muggy Days of Quiet


Well. It was a good week. Short, cos I had Monday off. Excellent. And because I do “normal” hours, well, what I’m used to in my home country, which is like 8 – 8.5 (a standard Queensland Government working day is, get this, 7.15 – good ol Australia), I build up ‘day off time’ in, well, no time. So am looking at having yet another day off, maybe this week….. Ahhhhh. Hooray for working for days off!!!

So work. Yep. Is good. Busy, but not stupid, unmanageable busy. I find all this directorate policy stuff for firefighters fairly interesting. I mean, never having worked in any sort of policy area, and the fact that some of what I do directly affects firefighters, well, it’s all kinda cool. And scary. But mainly cool. Am learning lots and lots, and meeting some interesting policy makers (and spending an incredible amount of time in meetings, which is weird for me, but interesting nonetheless). I just really like it, aside from all the political and personality disorders, but yes, I am a magnet for this stuff it would seem so am getting used to it. But I do have to say one thing – my boss is going on 6 weeks vacation next week. It’s still up in the air who’s going to sit in for him, but it should be….. interesting and different, that’s all I’m sayin’! Man, wish I could have 6 weeks of PAID vacation time. That’s ok, am happy to even have one paid day off. Beats temping by a long shot!

Thursday and Friday were actually more exciting than the weekend, now that I think back on it. It was a gal I work with’s Birthday Friday, but Thursday she invited a big group of us work folk to the Paddo pub for dinner. It was a reallyreally great night. Laughs all around. It was too much fun to be having on a school night, but well worth it. And then Friday she invited me with her closest friends to her real Birthday dinner at this Thai restaurant up the road from me (how considerate of her to plan her events so near to my house!) where the food was a bit eh, and came an hour after we ordered (Thai food at 9pm? Ugh), but her friends were really cool and interesting (most of them from her high school days, which was just a handful of years ago, bless ‘em…. Yes, everyone I know is young; that’s because the folks I know that are my age are all married and really boring). It was a really good couple of nights.

And then the weekend. It was, overall, extremely quiet, which was really nice compared to how exciting the week was, party-wise. Saturday was the usual chores and errands with Natasha. And today was nothing. Took a nice long nap, read my book, watched “Splash” on tv (midday – gasp! I never watch tv during the day, especially on weekends!) but it was actually pretty funny, and not that dated of a movie. And I don’t know that I ever saw it from beginning to end. Really cute. John Candy. Man. Jack Black is probably the closest personality like him that we have these days, but that doesn’t really compare. He was so damn naturally funny. Shame.

And honestly, that’s it. Quiet. Recharging the batteries, taking a break from those Friday evening after work at the pub sessions. I should have done some more painting today but it was 90 in the house, same as my day off on Monday, and granted I got lots and lots of painting done, it was bloody hot. So I was quite happy to sit in this back room here with the fan and pseudo chill out. It was nice. Boring for those playing along at home, but nice for me.

So there you have it. Don’t worry, am $1,400+ away from planning real adventures. And am also in the process of writing my permanent job description with the hopes that I not only get to keep my job, but that I get a raise. Watch this space!

So hope you’re all well up there! If you like muggy heat, c’mon down!



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